Only men in the college of Vijfheerenlanden: ‘No women? That’s so old-fashioned’

Only men in the college of Vijfheerenlanden No women Thats
What plans does the new College of Vijfheerenlanden have? That’s in the coalition agreement ‘Together we are Vijfheerenlanden’ from the brand new aldermen of VHL Lokaal, the CDA, the SGP, the PvdA and mayor Sjors Fröhlich.

They call Vijfheerenlanden a “beautiful municipality” that stands for “major tasks” such as shortages on the labor market and climate change. The aldermen indicate that they want to be reliable, involved and realistic.

The council wants to build more homes, of which 50 percent is affordable. The houses must be built in all towns and villages of the municipality, a long-cherished wish of, for example, young people in the village of Ameide. The council also wants to set up a residents’ council. Residents can enter this by drawing lots and thus contribute ideas about “complex issues”. VHL Lokaal, the party that supplies two aldermen, already argued for village councils during election time.

The agreement also focuses on cut-through traffic. Pastors already made attempts to stop the cut-through traffic in Vianen; a plan by the previous traffic alderman for driving bans during rush hours has not yet been followed up. Together with farmers, the Municipal Executive wants to look further at future-oriented agriculture. This was already an important election theme in the rural community.
