Only 1% of users have an achievement on Steam – you can only earn it today

For some they are little dopamine bombs, others ignore them completely: the achievements on Steam. Some of them you can only earn today. We’ll show you what achievements these are and how you get them on MeinMMO.

What are these achievements? Many games on Steam have achievements: achievements that require players to meet certain requirements in a game. Some achievements are earned for completing certain story sections in a game, others for very special achievements, and at least one for simply being nice.

However, there are also achievements that are time-bound – and you can get some of them today, January 1, 2025.

3DMark – Trailer for the benchmark tool on Steam

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In which games are there achievements today? On Reddit, the user lunchanddinner reminded us in a post from December 31, 2024 to get the achievement “New Year’s Resolution” in the benchmarking tool 3dMark on Steam.

At the time of the post, only 0.8% of users had achieved the achievement – according to the current status (January 1, 2025, 11:40), it is already 1%. In the comments, users collect other games in which New Year’s Day plays a role:

  • For “Elder Signs” in Halo 3 (Master Chief Collection on Steam) you have to find two sigils on the map Valhalla. One of them appears on New Year’s Day, the other on November 11th.
  • Story Teller in Batman: Arkham City on Steam requires you to visit the Calendar Man on 12 specific days, including New Year’s Day. You have other dates on Valentine’s Day, St. Patrick’s Day, April 1st, Mother’s and Father’s Day, American Independence Day on July 4th, St. Roch’s Day, Labor Day, Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas (December 25th! ). Remember that some of these days fall on a different date each year.
  • Year Walk is a game on Steam that’s made to be played on January 1st. There is also an achievement for exactly that.
  • Can you think of any other achievements like this? Please let us know in the comments.

    Is there another way? Are you reading this article on a day that is not the 1st of the year, or do you want to unlock an achievement for which you have to play on another specific day? No problem, because there is an alternative way to unlock such achievements.

    Most games of this type can be tricked by simply specifying the desired date in your PC’s settings. To do this, right-click on the date in your taskbar (at the bottom right by default) and go to “Adjust date and time”.

    But be careful: Some games warn that such “time travel” can trigger bugs. If things go really badly, you could endanger your score.

    In addition, of course, the satisfying feeling of having honestly earned success is missing.

    Other games on Steam also play over time. While most achievements require you to play in some form, one game even asks you not to touch it for years. You can find out more about this here on MeinMMO: If you want all the achievements in one of them, you have to wait 10 years.
