Online library services unavailable in Oxford this weekend

Online library services unavailable in Oxford this weekend

Online library services in both the Woodstock and Oxford County systems will be unavailable this weekend but will return just in time for Family Day.

During Saturday and Sunday, users across the county, including Woodstock, will not be able to manage their accounts online and will not be able to place holds or renew items while the libraries upgrade their security systems.

In addition, many of the library’s e-resources, such as Overdrive/Libby, Hoopla, Axis 360 and Freegal, will also be temporarily unavailable. The Oxford County Library’s mobile app will also be inactive

Because of this service disruption, Oxford County’s library team is encouraging users to make sure that any electronic items individuals have booked out are downloaded to their devices before Saturday.

People can still physically pick up items they’ve signed out to borrow during this time, but patrons must have their library cards with them since staff will not be able to search for people’s accounts online over the two days.

This system upgrade affects all library users across all Oxford County libraries, including the branches in Brownsville, Burgessville, Embro, Harrington, Ingersoll, Innerkip, Mount Elgin, Norwich, Otterville, Plattsville, Princeton, Tavistock, Thamesford and Tillsonburgm as well as the Woodstock Public Library.

All services should resume on Monday.
