online betting sites, the other winner of the 2022 World Cup

online betting sites the other winner of the 2022 World

Some 615 million euros were bet online during the 2022 Football World Cup, a higher amount than expected, the National Gaming Authority (ANJ) said on Saturday December 24.

To her only, the Argentina-France final generated 55 million euros in bets against 37.5 million for France-Croatia, in 2018, said the policeman of the sector. In total, 615 million euros have been wagered in one month from French smartphones and computers, this is 70% more than in 2018, an edition which saw the Blues win their second star.

Enough to exceed the expectations of the National Gaming Authority, which had in any case anticipated the craze for betting and organized a prevention campaign.

According to a survey launched before the competition, more than a third of French people said they intended to bet money on matches. The sector is growing year after year, but the figures of course depend on the fate of the national team.

Given the course of the blues who arrived in the final, the French accompanied them to the end and with growing amounts.

240 euros per month

The ANJ will give details on the profile and stakes of the bettors of this World Cup next month but the usual profile of online bettors is known: they are men under 35 who bet an average of 240 euros per month.

The association Addiction France denounced on Monday the “ commercial Technics questionable “online betting operators and alcoholic drinkers, the ” other winners of the World Cup in Qatar.

And the negative report drawn up by the association Addiction France on this edition seems to be confirmed. The mix of sports and alcohol betting in sales strategies hit the mark again.

To listen also: Sports betting, a gambling practice with a high risk of addiction

(With AFP)
