One year in prison, including 6 months for harassing and threatening streamer Maghla

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Anonymity on social networks allows for many cases of abuse, but the French judicial system is increasingly responsive and punishes cyber harassment. In France, a man has been sentenced to a year in prison after molesting and threatening streamer Maghla.

Some people on the internet believe that the anonymity behind their screens allows them to do anything. The number of harassment and threats has increased over the years and is now a real problem.

Unfortunately, under the protection of a pseudonym that hides their identity, there are some people who cross borders and become digital harassers.

In 2014, the French government took a first step against cyber harassment by adding article 222-33-2 to the penal code. This law was subsequently amended in 2018 and states that cyber harassment is an aggravated/serious form of moral harassment.

A fixed sentence

Streamer Maghla has filed a complaint against a 27-year-old man for harassment via an online communication service. The man sent her countless messages hoping she would help him become a webcaster.

In addition, the man claimed to be in love with her and could also appear very threatening. During the trial, the man said: “I would have liked to have met this woman. I wish her no harm.”

A psychiatric report presented to the judges shows schizophrenic traits and highlights impaired judgment in the defendant.

French streamer Maghla

The court sentenced the man to a year in prison, of which he will spend 6 months in detention, a three-year ban on contact with the victim and a five-year ban on being a streamer.

More and more cases of this kind are coming to court, but cyberbullying remains widespread. Still, it’s encouraging and shows that online anonymity is legitimately not guaranteed by breaking the law.

This article originally appeared on multiplayer site MGG, our partner. We translated it into German.
