One-year extension of the European Union Covid certificate

One year extension of the European Union Covid certificate

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    Set up in July 2021 to facilitate travel in Europe thanks to a single document, the European Union’s Covid certificate was to end on June 30, 2022. It will finally be extended by one year, announces the European Council.

    By means of a press release dated June 13, 2022, the European Council announced the extension of the European Union’s Covid certificate for one year, until June 2023.

    European Union Covid certificate: what is it?

    This unique Covid certificate is a kind of “passport” to travel through Europe. It can be obtained by three different means:

    • A Covid recovery certificate dated less than 6 months;
    • Proof of vaccination;
    • Or finally the presentation of a negative test.

    New potential variants involved

    While this document was to disappear at the end of June 2022, the European Council announces to postpone the end date of this certificate to June 30, 2023. Reason given: “Preparing to navigate fluctuating situations” according to European Commissioner Didier Reynders.

    Clearly, the situation on the Covid-19 front is likely to evolve and new variants could appear. While the announcement was made on the side of the European Council, it still needs to be approved by the European Parliament and the Council of the EU.

    Consult a GP online

    “Be careful not to make it a permanent measure”

    The emergency doctor and medical director of Doctissimo, Gérald Kierzek reminds us that the objective of this type of tool is not to last but to be abolished in the long term. “The epidemiological situation would make it possible to remove this tool, but the European Union obviously prefers to keep it and extend it, when it was initially an emergency measure. Be careful not to make it a permanent measure, we should not get used to this type of document” complains the doctor.
