One week for the World Ski World Cup organizers to respond to the demands of environmental activists-a Swedish star stupid opinion | Sport

One week for the World Ski World Cup organizers to

The group of environmental activists wants to remove logos for fossil fuel companies sponsoring the race from the race venues.

There is still about a month to go to the World Ski Championships in Trondheim, Norway, but the kingship trip is already in the headlines.

Folk Mot Fossilmakta, a group of environmental activists, plans to suspend the 50 kilometer of men’s 50 kilometers on March 8 if its requirements are not agreed by February 5.

Activists demand that the logos of fossil fuel companies sponsoring the World Championships to be removed from the race venues and showing a video to tell why fossil fuels should be abandoned.

Group to write in his announcementthat the use of fossil fuels is the biggest threat to the future of skiing as it accelerates climate change and shortens winters.

The announcement mentions the Norwegian oil and gas company Equinor and the Aker BP of the Oil search and development company.

– We want to create an honest debate that will not otherwise occur. This is the opportunity for the World Championships to promote solutions rather than the main causes of the organization, the organization Frida Steinbak said Norwegian media to VG.

Security to speak

Security manager Gaute Karlsson says that environmental activists are happy to have a space for demonstration from somewhere other than the ski.

– It is important that athletes, support teams, volunteers, media, guests and audience are safe during the race. We have told environmental activists about our goal of organizing the most sustainable World Cup ever, says Karlsson.

According to Karlsson, the organization is intended to deal with the matter internally.

Swedish women’s ski team Hut Dahlqvist According to the track, penetrating the track would be a “scandal”.

– I think other means can be used to demonstrate. The protest can influence the safety of skiers. Activists should calm down a little, Dahlqvist said to Expressen.

Last season, environmental activists were seen on the track for at least In the Trondheim World Cup In December 2023 and in Sweden in Vasaloppet last March.

Swedish national team boss Anders Byström In Trondheim, he testified from close range how the activist rushed to the race track and tried to apply some kind of substance. However, the stewards quickly quenched the entrepreneur.

– I was a little worried. What happens next? Do they run straight to the skiers? One of them could have been a knife or the like. Probably something will happen in the World Cup, Byström after the incident.
