One percent of puddle fans have decided to destroy the beautiful party plan – do you really want tear gas and riot cops?

One percent of puddle fans have decided to destroy the

99 percent of the supporters know the party label perfectly, but that one percent tries to ruin the reputation of the whole group, writes Jussi Paasi.

The World Hockey Championships is a great event. A two and a half week carnival where everyone has fun.

Once again, the same pattern was repeated: all the fans celebrated, laughed, cried, and encouraged in harmony throughout the Games.

The spirit of the World Cup is almost incomprehensibly positive. Sure alcoholic, of course, but bigger clutter still doesn’t fit in this game.

British and German fans, for example, can be seated side by side in the auditorium without any worries. Think about what would happen if they were put in the same auditorium block at a football stadium. No, it’s not even worth thinking about. But that is also possible at the World Hockey Championships.

And when Finland wins gold, the people get confused. See you on the market place.

It’s sympathetic, even moving, how the same formula is repeated every time Lions win.

Also at the joint gold festival of the team and the supporters, a set will be pulled through where no surprises are needed. Same performers, roughly the same program numbers and turns. Paula Vesala and the Finlandia anthem. Why change the winning concept?

The only change at this spring’s party was that the market (or square) changed into a parking lot. The parking lot next to Tampere’s Hakametsä Ice Rink was the perfect place for a golden party. Sympathetic, Finnish.

Tens of thousands gathered in the parking lot knew how to behave as well as in the races themselves. 99 percent of pitch fans know the party label perfectly.

But then it enters the picture by one percent. This group is determined to ruin the reputation of the entire gang.

In one percent, stupidity condenses in a vomiting manner. Brainstorming after brainstorming.

Let’s take Helsinki first. Hey, break down the protective fences from Havis Amanda and violently oppose the guards, what a fuss! Climb to the roof of the historically valuable restaurant Kappel and bounce there so that the newly made million-dollar renovation is about to come again.

Then Turku. Yeah, let’s break into a market parking lot! Climb on top of the new pavilions under construction with the help of scaffolding and ladders to make sure something devastated!

Oh good creator, what a jerk.

Do you who belong to this one percent want tear gas and riot cops to attend the next Lions Gold Festival? Take a look at examples from around the world. What happens when a small percentage of supporters start arguing? The most recent incident was seen in the final of the Football Champions League. Is this what you want in Finland?

I make two wishes, or really a direct claim:

1. You who don’t light up hockey, don’t stigmatize all the fans, because 99 percent celebrate just as they should.

2. You head of one percent, you are only real sports fans when you stop messing up and ruining the reputation of decent supporters.
