One out of every 5 men has it! Ending sexual life

One out of every 5 men has it Ending sexual

Erectile dysfunction, popularly known as impotence, erectile dysfunction, is defined as the inability to achieve or maintain an erection sufficient for sexual intercourse. Erectile dysfunction or impotence is more common among men than is thought. However, many men remain silent rather than go to the doctor and resolve this situation. Erectile dysfunction, which is one of every five men, can be a symptom of two deadly diseases besides psychological wear. Erectile dysfunction; It may be the first sign of heart disease or diabetes.

Experts point out that erectile dysfunction can be a sign of conditions that affect both blood flow and the nervous system. Heart disease, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and diabetes can affect blood flow to the penis, which can cause erectile dysfunction.


Findings from the British Association of Urological Surgeons show that 90 percent of men with impotence have at least one physical underlying cause for their problem. 40 percent cardiovascular disease and 33 percent diabetes.

Heart disease is the leading cause of death globally, taking an estimated 17.9 million lives each year according to the World Health Organization. Erectile dysfunction may also indicate impaired neurological conditions such as Parkinson’s and MS disease (multiple sclerosis) that affect the transfer of nerve impulses from the brain to the penis.

SYMPTOMS OF Erectile Dysfunction

  • Circulatory problems caused by smoking, drug and alcohol consumption
  • Inability of the veins to perform their functions fully and not collecting enough blood in the penis
  • Narrowing of the arteries and less blood flow to the penis
  • Insufficient testosterone hormone, which has important effects on erection
  • Unbalanced conditions due to cardiovascular diseases and hypertension
  • Side effects of drugs used
  • Psychological states of stress, anxiety and depression
  • advancing age
  • Genetic
