One of the most important ads in Diablo 4 is so complicated that even after the explanation, fans are left at a loss

In Diablo 4, a basic gauge is causing confusion among players because it’s overly complicated.

In Diablo 4, there are a few fundamental aspects that make the game a game for players. These include the classic looting and leveling as well as the challenge offered when playing.

Of course, there are also players who decide to take it easy, but die-hard fans of the action RPG fight for survival in hardcore mode.

But the more difficult the challenge, the more important a basic indicator that you know from almost every game becomes: health.

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In Diablo 4, health includes not only your character’s life points but also states that are displayed in such a complicated way that some players in the ARPG subreddit were still confused even after trying to explain them.

What’s the problem with the ad? In addition to the health of your character, there is also the “Tempering” and the “Barrier”.

  • The red circle is your health bar. If this is empty, you are dead.
  • The steel gauge is also red and fills up from your health gauge. When you are 100% steeled, you will also see a gray ring around the health bar.
  • The blue meter that fills in front of your health and steel is your barrier
  • All three gauges overlap in Diablo 4, changing the way the health gauge looks without really making it clear what they mean. What does steeling do? What does the gray ring mean? How long does my barrier work?

    Players are confused despite explanation

    What do steel and barrier do? On Reddit, a user tried to resolve the confusion surrounding the various ads and explain them with an image.

    You can see the Reddit post with the image trying to explain the ads here:

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    But the picture apparently could not help every player. One user replied, “I still don’t get it,” and received over 400 upvotes (via Reddit) for his honesty.

    Another player stepped in, shed some light on the matter in writing and explained the ads and their effects. He says:

  • When your Temper is at 100%, it reduces the damage you take by 10%. If your steeling is not at 100%, then there is no damage reduction.
  • You should achieve 100% steeling when your current steeling is equal to or higher than your current health.
  • The barrier scales with your base health, absorbing up to a certain amount of damage from all sources. The barrier takes damage before your health takes damage.
  • Knowing what the steeling and the barrier do can also help you in Diablo 4 Season 1. When it starts and what it includes, you can read on MeinMMO:

    Diablo 4 Season 1 Start: Everything about the release, content, mechanics and Battle Pass
