One of the most exciting & best thrillers of the last 10 years

One of the most exciting best thrillers of the

6 years ago the great and still not fully recognized survival thriller The Shallows hit the cinemas. It was directed by Jaume Collet-Serra, who first gave Liam Neeson an action career fall and then Dwayne Johnson his first really good blockbuster. Incidentally, The Shallows made it into our top 100 best movies of the last decade. You can watch the mercilessly exciting shark horror on TV today.

  • The Shallows airs today at 8:15 p.m. on RTLZWEI
  • The repeat will follow at 1:30 a.m. that night
  • Stream here *

  • Watch the trailer for The Shallows

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    Today on TV: That’s why The Shallows is worth watching

    The plot of The Shallows: Hobby surfer Nancy (Blake Lively) goes to a secluded cove to surf all day. She is not alone in this beautiful place somewhere on the Mexican coast. Two more surfers doing their rounds – and a hungry shark. Nancy barely survives the first attack, she saves herself on a rock.

    This is the simple scenario in which the film moves in circles: a young woman, the sea, a shark and the safe shore. A person confronts a superior enemy with meager means in a hostile environment. There’s no room for error and so the film demands the ultimate willpower from its main character, which is not so easy to scrape together when the shreds of flesh are already stuck in the shark’s teeth.

    The breathtaking tension in The Shallows is not to be taken for granted

    As the audience sweats in their own adrenaline rush, the film jerkily moves forward. on extreme stress waves followed by pleasant periods of rest. Jaume Collet-Serra uses these quiet buffering islands in a targeted manner so that events can be organized. Blake Lively takes a deep breath, rethinks her strategy and provides makeshift care for her bleeding wounds.

    Time and the circling shark always breathe hot down her neck. Small glimmers of hope are followed by brutal setbacks. And yet the main character is tangibly working his way towards his goal.

    a notice: We previously published this article on The Shallows for a streaming release. This is a slightly customized version.

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