One of the greatest German fantasy films, seen by over a million people in cinemas (yet it never received a sequel)

One of the greatest German fantasy films seen by over

In 2008, the lavishly produced fantasy film Krabat attracted almost 1.5 million people to the local cinemas. The film adaptation is based on the novel of the same name by Otfried Preußler, which in turn is based on a Folk tale from the 17th century goes back. An uncomfortable story about black magic is told. After the TV broadcast, you can rent Krabat from Amazon * or stream it for free in the Arte media library.

On Amazon: In Krabat, David Kross goes into a mill that is the gate to hell

Krabat is at the time of Thirty Years’ War which took place from 1618 to 1648. During this time, the orphan boy Krabat (David Kross) wanders the country with no prospects for his life. When he takes a job in a mill, the miller (Christian Redl) takes him under his wing.

From now on, Krabat belongs to a community of twelve apprentices who not only learn the craft of a miller, but also in the arts of black magic be taught. However, it doesn’t take long before Krabat realizes that he is getting deeper and deeper into a nightmare that is completely destroying him mentally.

You can watch the trailer for Krabat here:

Krabat – Trailer (German)

At that time, Krabat was implemented as a major German film project. The production cost over eight million euros. The film was directed by Marco Kreuzpaintner, who previously filmed a very well-known book, The Cloud, which has become an integral part of school lessons. Especially those oppressive atmosphere he captures it convincingly in his Krabat adaptation.

Despite its success, Krabat never received a sequel. On the one hand, of course, this is because Preußler did not write a second part of the story. On the other hand, Krabat ends with one Moment of departurewhich makes you wonder how the story continues for the characters who survived the horror in the mill in the nerve-wracking finale, but are still scarred by what they experienced.

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