One of the country’s youngest traffic school teachers – seven different driving licences

With seven driving licences, he has all the authorizations that one can have in Sweden. Now Julius Persson is one of the country’s youngest traffic school teachers and can teach how to drive a truck. Now he aims to become the country’s youngest traffic school teacher who can train in everything.

– It is very cool and instructive, says Julius Persson in Efter fem.

He is authorized to drive a motorcycle, ordinary car, heavy truck, bus and taxi, Julius Persson has a total of seven driving licences. It is simply all the authorizations you can have in Sweden when it comes to driving a vehicle and then Julius is only 21 years old.

– The most difficult thing to take was a truck with a trailer, says Julius Persson in Efter fem.

“Awesome and educational”

In one month and seven days he managed five different tests, something like Southeast was the first to report on. This is to be able to train people to drive trucks and now he works as a traffic school teacher for some driving license qualifications. Now he dreams of becoming the country’s youngest traffic school teacher who can train in everything, which he expects to be able to do within a year. The new job as a traffic teacher is something he enjoys very much

– It’s very cool and educational, says Julius Persson about his job as a traffic school teacher.

Tips before the drive-up

Despite his young age, not all the time has been spent on getting the seven driver’s licenses, but Julius has also had time to travel, but as if the job as a traffic school teacher wasn’t enough, he also works as a bus driver and runs a home service.

In Efter fem, Julius Persson gives his best tips for the run-up:

– Spend a lot of time reading and practicing driving at home.

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