One of the biggest reality shows is finally coming to Germany after 18 years

One of the biggest reality shows is finally coming to

The life of wealthy housewives is boring and uneventful? Far from it. RTL+ shows what really goes on behind the perfect, glittering facade of high society in a new reality show. The “Real Housewives” franchise is already a huge success in the USA, and now the first German spin-off is starting. Everything you need to know about The Real Housewives of Munich you need to knowyou can find out here.

Glamour and drama in Munich’s chic crowd: That’s what the new reality show from RTL+ is about

Munich is an expensive place. If you want to treat yourself to luxury in the Upper Bavarian metropolis, you better have a few million in your account. But what is life like among the super-rich? A new reality TV show from RTL+ explores this question. Six rich women from Munich are accompanied by the camera and provide an insight into the glittering world of the chic crowd.

If the concept sounds familiar to you, then that’s not surprising: RTL+ adopted the idea from the USA. There are several “The Real Housewives of” spin-offs there that are very popular. The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills in particular has been thrilling viewers with drama, arguments and intrigue for 13 (!) seasons. Melodramatic scenes like this have been turned into memes for years:

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According to RTL, these six women are trying their luck in the German version: Businesswoman Carina (33), the former management consultant Lily (38), real estate agent Seer (38), Designer Joanna (46), real estate expert Natalie (37) and performance specialist Pegah (31).

So far, the Munich high society ladies have not appeared on reality TV. But RTL is already promising big things: “They are all charismatic, extroverted and entertaining – and of course EXTREMELY wealthy.”


The women really let it rip when they go shopping at night.

Whether they will be as successful as their colleagues from Beverly Hills, New York and the like remains to be seen.

How to watch The Real Housewives of Munich

Reality fans don’t have to wait much longer. The Real Housewives of Munich will air on RTL+ from July 6th. Two new episodes are released every week.
