One of the best thrillers of all time

One of the best thrillers of all time

The Coen brothers Joel and Ethan have produced some masterpieces in their careers. However, none of her films is as exciting and intense as the novel based on Cormac McCarthy’s No Country for Old Men. Anyone who has never seen the outstanding thriller with stars like Josh Brolin, Javier Bardem and Tommy Lee Jones can watch the film tonight on Sat. 1.

That’s what No Country for Old Men on Amazon Prime is all about

In the film’s plot, war veteran Llewelyn Moss (Josh Brolin) finds a suitcase full of money in the Texas desert after a failed drug deal that left several dead. Not only Mexicans are after the money, but also the psychopathic contract killer Anton Chigurh (Javier Bardem). It starts a relentless game of cat and mouse. The local sheriff Ed Bell (Tommy Lee Jones) can hardly keep up with the piled up bodies.

Watch a German trailer for No Country for Old Men here:

No Country for Old Men – Trailer 2 (German)

No Country for Old Men captivates with unbelievable suspense and surprises

In the first scene, Javier Bardem’s contract killer with his peculiar hairdo still looks like an absurd joke, which then quickly switches to brutal seriousness. Along with a strange codex and ice-cold, precise killing methods, is here one of the most iconic killers in film history developed.

Especially in the middle part of No Country for Old Men, the chase between Josh Brolin’s protagonist and Bardem’s character unfolds an unbelievable tension when the Coens follow the repeated clash of the characters without any musical accompaniment nerve-wracking intensity stage.

The longer the film runs, the more the director duo moves away from well-known action thriller conventions. Instead, the dry, black humorous film surprises in the midst of the sweaty Texas atmosphere radical turnsas far as the course of the otherwise inevitable confrontations in this genre is concerned.


No Country for Old Men

This is how No Country for Old Men becomes amidst all the brilliant images by camera legend Roger Deakins philosophical examination of the nature of violence and a world in transition, in which the living co-exist with the dead, imperceptibly switching places again and again.

No Country for Old Men airs today at 10:40 p.m. on Sat. 1.

A notice: We have published this article in a similar form before.

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