One of the best superhero movies with Jennifer Lawrence, of which there is a 17-minute longer version that changes a lot

One of the best superhero movies with Jennifer Lawrence of

In the early 2010s, 20th Century Fox decided to expand its X-Men universe with young versions well-known superhero: inside to renew. The result was 2011’s X-Men: First Class, which impressed above all with its cast: James McAvoy (Professor X) and Michael Fassbender (Magneto) and Jennifer Lawrence (Mystique) led the Marvel blockbuster.

Three years later, X-Men: Future is Past, the sequel, came to the cinemas and combined in one great time travel story the two existing X-Men universes. Jennifer Lawrence also plays a crucial role as Mystique. You can watch the film on TV tonight. However, only the theatrical version runs and not the so-called rogue cut.

Marvel action starring Jennifer Lawrence: The future and past merge in the X-Men universe

X-Men: Days of Future Past adapts the storyline known from the Marvel Comics Days of Future Past. The framework story takes place in a dystopian future in which mutants are oppressed and imprisoned in internment camps. The evil Sentinels rule the earth. At the same time, the second storyline unfolds in the 1960s, where attempts are made to prevent this future.

You can watch the trailer for X-Men: Days of Future Past here:

X-Men Future is Past – Trailer (German) HD

Although X-Men: Days of Future Past was well received by both critics and audiences at the time, 20th Century Fox later decided to release an extended version of the film bearing the name The Rogue Cut carries. This comes up with an additional 17 minutes that weave unused material into the existing story and also comes up with a completely new subplot.

The Rogue Cut of X-Men Days of Future Past brings back Anna Paquin as Kitty Pryde

This subplot revolves around those played by Anna Paquin Superheroine Kitty Pryde aka Rogue, who played a major role in the first three X-Men films from the 2000s. In the theatrical version of X-Men: Future is Past, however, she only appears for a brief cameo. The Rogue Cut gives her a lot more work to do and also expands the development of other characters.

We also get to see more of Jennifer Lawrence’s Mystique in the Rogue Cut. Danger, spoiler: In one scene, she reflects on her relationship with Beast (Nicholas Hoult) and then destroys Cerebro in the X-Mansion so she can’t find Professor X. However, the main part of the Rogue Cut focuses on Rogue and thus connects the new X-Men trilogy even more with the old one.

When is X-Men: Days of Future Past on TV?

X-Men: Days of Future Past airs tonight, July 31, 2023 at 8:15 p.m. on Kabel Eins. The broadcast lasts until 11:00 p.m. In the night from Tuesday to Wednesday you can watch the repeat at 00:25. Alternatively, the film is available as a subscription to Disney+ as a stream.

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