One of the best sci-fi films of all time, but after its mega success the leading actress was still broke

One of the best sci fi films of all time but

Once you take part in a Hollywood hit, you end up living in a villa and driving a Ferrari. At least that’s what many fans think. However, with Carrie-Anne Moss (Memento) and Matrix the case was different: the actress was starving despite box office success. Today the sci-fi masterpiece is on TV.

On TV: Sci-Fi hit Matrix grossed millions that Carrie-Anne Moss never saw

The Matrix revolves around a young hacker (Keanu Reeves) who exposes our reality as an illusory world in which we are exploited by nightmarish machines. 24 years after its release, the hit is still considered one of the best sci-fi films of all time and grossed around $465 million on a budget of $65 million (via The Numbers). However, Moss had nothing to gain from this cinematic success.

Warner Bros.

Carrie-Anne Moss and Keanu Reeves in The Matrix

In 2007, she revealed her financial situation at the time to the New York Daily News. FandomWire quotes:

I had no money. Nothing. I had to look for an apartment because I had just broken up with my boyfriend. [Die Produzenten haben] gave me an advance of $10,000. I didn’t get very much money for Matrix.

Since The Matrix was partly filmed abroad, she lost her insurance with the actors’ union SAG, said Moss. She has already prepared herself for having to wait tables,

explained the actress. Villas and Ferraris look different.

When is The Matrix on TV?

Matrix is ​​running today, Monday, November 27th, 2023, at 8:15 p.m. on Kabel 1. If you don’t have time, you can catch up on the sci-fi masterpiece on November 28th at 10:25 p.m.

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