One of the best horror films, which is extremely scary despite being rated 12, is finally getting a sequel and the most important star is back

One of the best horror films which is extremely scary

Will It Follows ever get a sequel? Fans of the eerie horror hit about a sexually transmitted killing curse have been asking themselves this question for almost 10 years. Just in time for Halloween there is finally a redeeming answer: It Follows is getting a sequel with They Follow.

One of the best horror films continues: It Follows 2 comes with the star of the original

As reported by the Hollywood Reporter, among others, David Robert Mitchell is returning as director and writer for the sequel. Maika Monroe will also play the lead role again. The It Follows sequel is scheduled to film next year – just in time for the 10th anniversary of the originalwhich came in at number 2 on Moviepilot’s list of the best horror films of the 2010s.

In It Follows, Maika Monroe took on the role of student Jay Height, who, after meeting her boyfriend for the first time, is followed wherever she goes by an invisible presence that can appear at any time in the form of anyone. The only way to survive? She has to Sexually transmitting a curse to another person.

You can watch the trailer for It Follows here

It Follows – Trailer (German) HD

It Follows not only convinced with its original concept, but above all with its constantly increasing paranoia, 80s retro atmosphere, targeted jump scares and disturbing climaxes – and proved that horror films with an FSK-12 rating are also extremely scary could be.

There is currently no information about the plot of They Follow. The first teaser poster already gives an indication that the STD curse is now spreading enormously in the horror sequel a frightening epidemic developed could have: It’s everywhere!


They Follow Poster

When does They Follow start in cinemas?

There is currently no concrete start for They Follow aka It Follows 2. Since filming isn’t scheduled to take place until 2024, horror fans will have to be patient a little longer. We expect a possible theatrical release End of 2024 or 2025.

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