One of the best films of all time starring an actor that we will never see in cinemas again

One of the best films of all time starring an

In the ranks of absolute cinema masterpieces, many examples are already very old. Citizen Kane or Lawrence of Arabia have several decades under their belt. Still, for the vast majority of viewers, There Will Be Blood is in the same league. That unique drama about an oil baron is only 15 years old and features Daniel Day-Lewis in one of his finest roles. Today it can be seen on TV.

On TV: There Will Be Blood is a unique masterpiece in several ways

The film by the exceptional director Paul Thomas Anderson (Magnolia) revolves around the life of the busy Daniel Plainview (Day-Lewis), who wants to get rich from oil production. Business is booming in early 20th-century California.


Daniel Day-Lewis in There Will Be Blood

There Will Be Blood is coming according to many critics (via Metacritic) closer to a perfect masterpiece than almost any other film. Day-Lewis disappears behind his character in a frighteningly flawless manner, driving the deep blackness of her soul from every pore onto the screen.

Anderson sets the perfect stage for the duel between Plainview and the hypocritical preacher Eli (Paul Dano). No scene is too long, no cut too little, every character is still relevant to the plot even on their levels deep below the surface. The result is so dense and captivating that the film tears the viewer down with it. You have to recover from the impact of There Will Be Blood first.

Additionally, Day Lewis fans will want to get their fill of his performance. And must. After The Silken Thread, the exceptional talent announced that never wanting to act again (via BBC).

When will There Will Be Blood be on TV?

There Will Be Blood is coming this Tuesday, November 1, 2022, at 8:15 p.m. on Servus TV. If you don’t have time, you can catch up on the film at 12:55 a.m. Without commercials, the film has a length of 158 minutes.

The best streaming films of 2022 on Netflix, Disney+ and Co.

In the latest edition of our podcast Streamgegefuehl we take a look back at the streaming films of the year so far. Netflix, Disney+ and Co. have outbid each other with elaborate productions. But which of the films are really successful? In the podcast we talk about our top 10 best streaming movies of 2022.

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The streaming year was very varied in the film sector. A red panda has thrown Toronto into chaos while a princess struggled from the top floor of a tower to the ground floor. We were also able to experience the first moon landing through children’s eyes and received an amusing Jackass encore.

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