One of the best films of all time is included

One of the best films of all time is included

When Jurassic Park was released in 1993, moviegoers quickly agreed. Steven Spielberg’s film was an absolute masterpiece of sci-fi action and emotion, an instant classic. Since then, the franchise has expanded with two more Jurassic Park films and the refreshment of the Jurassic World films. Now, for the first time, they are all available in one regular box.

Finally in a home theater box: the Jurassic Park legacy is disputed

The last franchise part, Jurassic World 3, was recently available for purchase in a collection box with all five predecessors. However, this edition was limited. Now the film series regularly and without resource shortages for every fan.

The box is available in all three quality levels from DVD to Blu-ray to the 4K version. the latter In addition to the 4K Blu-ray, the regular version of the film is also included.

No fan will probably accept every film in the 6-pack with the same enthusiasm in their home range. The franchise legacy of the great masterpiece is heavily disputed. Especially the new edition from Jurassic World is both loved and hated. However, they were all box office hits.

The best streaming films of 2022 on Netflix, Disney+ and Co.

In the latest edition of our podcast Streamgegefuehl we take a look back at the streaming films of the year so far. Netflix, Disney+ and Co. have outbid each other with elaborate productions. But which of the films are really successful? In the podcast we talk about our top 10 best streaming movies of 2022.

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The streaming year was very varied in the film sector. A red panda has thrown Toronto into chaos while a princess struggled from the top floor of a tower to the ground floor. We were also able to experience the first moon landing through children’s eyes and received an amusing Jackass encore.

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Are you excited about the Jurassic box?
