One of the best anime series of all time is currently heavily discounted on Amazon

Prime Deal Day offers a first-class anime for comparatively little money. Our anime demon Cortyn reveals why you should get Code Geass.

Anime fans have a relatively difficult time in Europe and especially in Germany. While there are a wealth of streaming providers with current series, for older works the only option is often to buy the entire series on DVD or BluRay – and that can cost a lot of money. Depending on the series, you can often leave three-digit amounts on the table.

That’s a shame because you might never experience some of the masterpieces of the last few decades in solid quality. Now, during the “Amazon Prime Deal Days” there are many series available at a reduced price. Including Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion.

What is Code Geass about? Code Geass takes place in an alternative version of our world. In 2010, the Holy Britannic Empire declared war and directly subjugated several states – including Japan. From now on the country is considered “Colony 11” and the Japanese are only called “Elevens” and have to eke out their existence in ghettos – they even lose their basic rights.

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However, some resistance groups rebel against the occupiers, including the young student Lelouch Lamperouge, who, through an accident, gains a very special power: the power of kings. This ability allows him to give any person who looks into his eyes a single command that must be carried out without fail.

From the underground, Lelouch tries to play the various groups off against each other, while at the same time he has to maintain the appearance of being an elite student and, above all, wants to protect his sister from the war.

How much does Code Geass cost? Currently, during the “Amazon Prime Deal Days”, the two complete packages are available for €47.97 (Season 1) and €46.97 (Season 2) – each reduced by 31% and 33% respectively. The entire work has 50 episodes and a running time of over 20 hours.

This means that the series is currently priced at just under €2 per episode – compared to many (often significantly worse) series, a really solid price and almost a must-buy for fans of the story.

Why is Code Geass worth watching? Anime often seems very formulaic and predictable or simply overloaded. However, Codes Geass has managed the trick of combining a variety of different genres that harmonize wonderfully in the story presented.

No matter whether you like political intrigue, character fates with lots of drama, exciting mecha battles, military tactics or even just some “cute waifus” – Code Geass has it all in abundance and yet it never becomes “too much”. Exciting fights and quieter character moments are constantly alternating.

In addition, the plot extends over several years and you can really experience the impact the actions of the protagonists and antagonists have.

Code Geass also has one of the best and most well-thought-out endings of any series – even if I don’t want to spoil it here.

If you’re looking for a really great anime that will entertain you over a (very, very) long weekend and that you’ll happily dig up every few years, then Code Geass is a good choice.
