One of the best adventure films of all time captivates for 3 hours and looks breathtakingly beautiful

One of the best adventure films of all time captivates

With King Kong, director Peter Jackson (known for The Lord of the Rings trilogy) has once again shown the right hand. The 2005 version is the now the second remake of the original work from 1993. The three-hour film can now be watched by anyone with a subscription on Netflix.

Kong is fascinated by a human in the remake of the classic adventure

The story takes place at the time of the global economic crisis in 1933. Carl Denham (Jack Black) sets out on a journey with a group of filmmakers. After a storm, he lands on Skull Island with playwright Jack Driscoll (Adrien Brody) and actress Ann Darrow (Naomi Watts). Ann is kidnapped by the natives and meets the giant ape Kong, who is enthusiastic about her.

United International Pictures GmbH

Ann Darrow with King Kong.

On the island, Ann not only meets Kong, but also dinosaurs. It happens that Kong protects the woman from the prehistoric animals. The two become more and more friends until suddenly the last surviving members of the ship’s crew (including Thomas Kretschmann, Colin Hanks and Jamie Bell) take Kong prisoner.

Second place among the best films from the King Kong universe

Of the eleven King Kong films that are now available, the 2005 version has 6.6 points the second best rating on Moviepilot. Only Panik um King Kong has a razor-thin lead with 6.7 points.

The positive features include the great effects and the acting performance by Naomi Watts. For example, scenes that were actually planned for the original were added to the remake. A scene with particularly frightening effects is the fight for survival of the ship’s crew, who find themselves in a gorge full of spiders.

The length is around three hours comes across both positively and negatively. Some fans think that there are no over-extended scenes. Others find the film to be a bit too long. You can now judge for yourself by watching the monster movie on Netflix.

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