One of Bruce Willis’ silliest and best roles at the same time

One of Bruce Willis silliest and best roles at the

I love Armageddon – Last Judgment. The sci-fi catastrophe hit, which came at just the right time in 1998 shortly before the dreaded turn of the millennium, is a glorious Guilty Pleasure for every 90’s kid and every Bruce Willis fan like me.

  • Today on TV: Armageddon – The Last Judgment is on RTL ZWEI tonight at 8:15 p.m. The repeat follows at 1:45 a.m. at night. Alternatively, you can stream the film on Disney+.
  • In Armageddon we see them two facets of Bruce Willis combined: On the one hand there is an actor who proves his talent, but on the other hand he also proves himself as an actor who is not above anything.

    Sci-Fi hit: Armageddon was laughed at and declared stupid

    Everyone knows Armageddon. The movie in which Oil drilling experts become astronauts must to blast a deadly asteroid.

    You can watch the trailer for Armageddon here:

    Armageddon – Trailer (German)

    When a 50-minute compilation of the sci-fi film was previewed in Cannes in 1998, there was much laughter from the critics. The BBC reported at the time that the laughed out loud at the audience at the tearful climax of the film.” That couldn’t stop Armageddon in the box office at the end of the 90s, however.

    Even from a scientific perspective, the film was only too gladly torn and checked for all errors by numerous experts. Even NASA ranked it in the top 3 most unrealistic sci-fi movies of the 2010s, along with 2012 and The Core.

    Even Armageddon star Ben Affleck revealed in the audio commentary on the DVD that he had a few questions about the plot from director Michael Bay. Why is it easier to train oil drillers as astronauts than the other way around? Michael Bay advised him to shut upreports the Independent .

    Because Armageddon was not despite, but mainly because of the station wagon implausible premise and breathtaking star castsabove all Bruce Willis, to a film legend.

    Bruce Willis garnishes the science fiction hit with a tear

    Armageddon spoilers: If we Bruce Willis’ Macho papa role Harry Stamper in Armageddon, he shoots golf balls at environmental activists from an oil rig and rifle ammunition at his daughter’s lover. This is completely wrong and is only topped in the film by the fact that he sacrifices himself to save the world and for that son-in-law.

    © Touchstone/Buena Vista

    Bruce Willis in Armageddon – The Last Judgment

    In Armageddon, late 80s muscle cinema, huge blockbuster spectacle ambitions and Bruce Willis at the peak of his career all come together unique momentum on each other.

    Hardly anyone other than Bruce Willis would have this role on the wave of his mischievous Die Hard and The Fifth Element charms get it done. He’s a master at making incredibly silly dialogue dead serious and formidable.

    He’s a doer. When he asks NASA to take his entire crew into space, NASA backs down. Until his heartbreaking farewell speech he even squeezes a tear from the right eye.

    The action and kitsch festival suddenly becomes much more approachable and touching than expected and makes Armageddon complete Queen of Guilty Pleasures and Harry Stamper into one of the dumbest yet best roles of Bruce Willis’ career.

    a notice: We published this article in a similar form in June 2021.

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    Will you watch Armageddon?
