One of Blizzard’s best strategy games is available for free right now

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The origins of the StarCraft universe are available for free right now – at least if you’re an Amazon Prime customer. We reveal what beckons you.

There are a number of games that everyone should play, even if you’re not otherwise particularly interested in a particular genre. These gaming milestones are simply a must-read for understanding how the genres formed – or they’re still so popular decades later that it would just be a sacrilege not to check out the game at least once. One such game is the original StarCraft, now available in the Remastered version on Amazon Prime.

How do you get the game? You must be an Amazon Prime customer to get the game for free. Then you have access to various offers at regular intervals. This ranges from cosmetic rewards to in-game goodies to entire full versions, as is the case with StarCraft: Remastered. If you are a Prime customer, you can find the game here on the Amazon Prime Gaming page.

The Protoss – one of the classic races as StarCraft.

What kind of game is this? More than 24 years after its original release, StarCraft is still considered one of the best balanced strategy games out there. Even then, StarCraft not only convinced with a pretty interesting campaign, but also with different level designs with different mission types and three species that all played completely differently.

There’s the Zerg swarm led by the sinister Overmind, the Terran humans, and the mysterious, somehow graceful Protoss.

In addition, the remastered version also includes the “Brood War” expansion, which comes with additional campaigns and new unit types.

Who is it worth it for? Basically, StarCraft: Remastered is still a pearl in the strategy genre and is therefore worthwhile for everyone who is in any way into real-time strategy. The game also looks pretty nice in the remastered variant – at least when you compare it to the original variant of the game. Still, StarCraft: Remastered is primarily a “2D game” that only tries to simulate 3D – even if it’s been significantly beefed up in many places.

If you’re just looking for a few hours of good strategy entertainment, or just need another classic to add to your collection, then you can’t go wrong with StarCraft: Remastered – especially if you’re going to play StarCraft II at some point and complete the storyline want to understand. Because StarCraft II is based on the great story of the first part.

Have you secured StarCraft: Remastered yet? If not, you should hurry because the offer is only valid until September 1st.
