one month before the summit on the three basins, young people march for the environment

one month before the summit on the three basins young

In one month, from October 26 to 28, the Republic of Congo will host the summit of the world’s three tropical forest basins (Congo, Amazon and Borneo Mekong). Between 1,500 and 2,000 representatives of local communities are expected in the Congolese capital, as well as political leaders, experts and donors.

1 min

With our correspondent in Brazzaville, Loicia Martial

The march started very early from Place de la Gare, not far from the Prime Minister’s Office, under a clear sky. Hundreds of young people, most dressed in white, traveled about five kilometers led by the coordinator of the Nations system, Chris Mburu, and an official from the Brazzaville International Leadership Youth Forum (Bilyf), Précieux Massouémé.

Wearing gloves, they collected waste throughout their journey, to clean the environment, explains Précieux Massouémé:

This walk is part of the development of youth, awareness-raising and young people’s ownership of environmental issues, particularly the SDGs. [Objectifs de développement durable de l’ONU, ndlr] “, he said.

While in several districts of the capital household waste overflows from bins. And are sometimes burned, thus polluting the atmosphere.

Chris Mburu welcomed this clean-up operation: “ It is truly commendable to see young people getting involved, supporting the country and the United Nations to promote this subject of environmental protection. “, did he declare.
