One MMORPG is wildly celebrated while another is rated really badly on Steam

This week a new MMORPG appeared on Steam, but it immediately got a lot of negative reviews. In addition, Chrono Odyssey showed its first gameplay trailer, which was highly praised by many. We have summarized further news about WoW, GW2 and Co. here.

The highlights of the week:

The discussion of the week: Many MMORPG fans are waiting for the next big hit. There are already enough titles to gamble with. You can follow the discussion here: MMO players wait more for new games than to play them.

The week in the podcast: In their own podcast MMO News, the two MeinMMO editors Alexander Leitsch and Mark Sellner are again talking about the most important news about MMORPGs this week. Topics included the new MMORPGs Mad World, Aion Classic, Ethyrial: Echoes of Yore and Perfect New World.

You can listen to the podcast on Apple, YouTube or here on Spotify:

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New patch in WoW, new roadmap for Guild Wars 2

This is what happened in the big MMORPGs:

This is what happened with the small MMORPGs:

4 crowdfunding MMORPGs that really flopped

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This is what happened with the MMORPGs in development:

This is the MMORPG news of the week at a glance. What was your personal highlight? Did you experience anything else interesting this week that you would like to share? Or have we perhaps forgotten something important? Write it to us in the comments here at MeinMMO.

If you are looking for the currently best MMORPGs, you will find them here:

The 10 best MMORPGs of 2023 – which one suits me?
