One MMORPG announces a new expansion, another has nasty rumours

This week has been all about the new Final Fantasy XIV and ArcheAge expansion, with rumors of the Western servers closing. We have also summarized all the news about WoW, Blue Protocol and many other MMORPGs.

The highlight of the week:

The excitement of the week: There has been some discussion at ArcheAge. An insider claimed that XL Games is cutting positions and the MMORPG will soon shut down in regions outside of Korea. The developers denied it, but left a back door open. It says: “However, some regions that are not performing as expected will be evaluated for termination of service.”

The week in the podcast: In their own podcast MMO News, the two MeinMMO editors Alexander Leitsch and Mark Sellner are again talking about the most important news about MMORPGs this week. Topics included the gameplay of Palia and Blue Protocol, the new games Ares: Rise of Guardians and the Warhammer MMORPG as well as information about the biggest games of the moment.

You can listen to the podcast on Apple, YouTube or here on Spotify:

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WoW has problems with healers and we played the western version of Blue Protocol

This is what happened in the big MMORPGs:

This is what happened with the small MMORPGs:

  • The Summer Medleyfaire event has started in New World (via New World).
  • The PvE MMORPG Embers Adrift has released a new update, with new quests, new equipment and many small adjustments (via Embers Adrift).
  • Our insider tip Broken Ranks now gets three different levels of difficulty for instances (via MassivelyOP).
  • Fractured has started new tests and released a big patch with balance and movement adjustments (via Fractured).
  • Phantasy Star Online 2: New Genesis gets a big update in August with guild housing, new quests and new gear (via YouTube).
  • This is what happened with the MMORPGs in development:

    This is the MMORPG news of the week at a glance. What was your personal highlight? Did you experience anything else interesting this week that you would like to share? Or have we perhaps forgotten something important? Write it to us in the comments here at MeinMMO.

    If you are looking for a new PvE MMORPG, you will find it here:

    The 5 best MMORPGs for PvE fans
