One in two pregnancies worldwide is unintentional

One in two pregnancies worldwide is unintentional

121 million pregnancies, or almost one in two worldwide each year, are unintended, according to a report by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA). 60% of these pregnancies end in abortion.

One in two pregnancies is unintended

121 million pregnancies, or almost one in two worldwide each year, are unintended. A number “extremely high” revealed by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA). this March 30, 2022. So much so that he decided to devote his annual report to the question and entitled it Understand the imperceptible. These pregnancies were not planned and chosen by the women concerned. They may or may not occur within the framework of a couple relationship and certain factors have been identified: poverty, low employment and education, exposure to violence and coercion. UNFPA defines them as follows: “an untimely pregnancy, occurring earlier than desired, or when the woman has not planned to have (more) children”. Be careful, this does not mean that they are ultimately all considered unwanted: “Some unintended pregnancies will be welcomed as a happy event, while others will end in abortion.explains the Fund, pointing out that “All women, as well as some non-identifying people, are at risk of unintended pregnancy in their lifetime.”

What abortion rate for these unplanned pregnancies?

The report highlights the fact that 60% of these pregnancies, just over half, end in Abortion (IVG). Abortion often seems to be the only possible solution for these women, especially when they are afraid of losing their job, of being forced into marriage or of falling into poverty. And, more than the number of unintended pregnancies, another figure is particularly worrying: in 45% of cases, these abortions are not medicalized. However, the fact of having an abortion outside the medical environment, because it is too late or because it is forbidden, is one of the main causes of maternal mortality in the world.

Failure to respect reproductive rights

The fundamental right to decide whether or not to have children has been enshrined in several international agreements and ratified by many countries. However, the report highlights the fact that the right to choose whether or not to give life does not really exist: “Only 57% of women are able to assert their choices regarding their sexual and reproductive health and rights.”

Lack of access and information on contraception

If these unintended pregnancies occur, it is primarily because any contraception is not 100% effective” and that access to these methods is not always possible. In addition to this, according to the report, “more than 257 million women are not using safe and effective methods of birth control”. This can be linked to difficulties in accessing or finding a suitable solution for oneself, but also to the worry of possible side effects and to the fact of not taking it because one has little sexual intercourse. Another worrying phenomenon is the “large number of myths” and the “massive misinformation” around contraception. In some cases, there is also reproductive coercion, that is, coercion to reproduce. To this must be added that, when conception has occurred, a large number of women do not have access to abortion. What pushes UNFPA to launch an appeal “to make bodily autonomy a priority”. This requires, among other things, strengthening the health and education systems, but also guaranteeing access to affordable, accessible contraceptive methods that are suitable for all.

Source: report Understand the imperceptible from UNFPA
