One in two Italians will not go on holiday this summer: high prices and the geopolitical context are having an impact

One in two Italians will not go on holiday this

(Finance) – According to a study byUdicon made with thePiepoli Institute published in preview by Ansa one in two Italians declared that they will not go to school this summer vacation. The high prices weigh, especially on tickets planes And bathing facilitiesand the complicated geopolitical situation.

The study found that if the majority of travelers have already booked, 43% will wait for a last minute hoping to save money (especially young and “over” people). Among those who will not travel in airplane27% declared that they will not do so due to fear due to the international context, 24% due to prices and 17% due to the high cost of living.

There beach free instead it will be the choice of one Italian in three: half of the latter will choose this way for economic convenience.

There vacation Italian however, it is still perceived as much cheaper than abroad.
