One in two French people tempted by the RN vote: a shock poll before the European elections

One in two French people tempted by the RN vote

Two weeks before the European elections, the National Rally is more normalized than ever in the eyes of voters, according to a survey.

The National Rally is no longer scary. In any case, this is what the result of a Viavoice survey of May 23 suggests for Release. Thus, among those questioned, 41% say they have already voted for an RN candidate or list. This roughly corresponds to the score achieved by Marine Le Pen in the second round of the 2022 presidential election (41.45%). Of this former electorate, 35% intend to vote again for the RN in the future, while 6% announce that they will no longer make this choice.

17% of new potential voters

But the National Rally has attracted a new demographic since the last elections: 17% of respondents say they have never voted for Jordan Bardella’s party but that they could do so in the future. A proportion which has skyrocketed in the space of a few months: in September 2023, there were only 12% in this case. The figure rose to 15% in January, then to 16% in March. It reaches its maximum in May.

In total, 52% of those questioned indicate that they are ready to vote for the National Rally in the future. Conversely, only 36% say they have never voted and will never vote for the far-right party.

32% voting intentions in the European elections

More than one in two voters among those surveyed consider the RN vote as a serious option. A victory for the demonization enterprise that Marine Le Pen’s camp has been engaged in for several years. The success of this strategy promises to more than pay off on June 9, since the list led by Jordan Bardella in the European elections captures almost a third of the voting intentions (32%).

It should be noted, however, that 50% of those questioned in this survey still consider that Marine Le Pen is “a far-right personality” whose election as head of state “would threaten our values ​​and the democratic system”. For the other half, the hypothesis of the arrival of Jean-Marie Le Pen’s daughter at the Elysée is not particularly worrying.
