One charged after driver flees Chatham crash: police

In custody incident leads to man being arrested again police

A Chatham resident faces an impaired charge after a motorist fled a crash at a busy city intersection Tuesday morning, police say.

A Chatham resident faces an impaired charge after a motorist fled a crash at a busy city intersection Tuesday morning, police say.

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Officers responding to the crash about 11 am learned a motorist was driving erratically when they struck a northbound vehicle at Grand Avenue East and St. Clair Street, Chathasm-Kent police said.

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The motorist left the scene, but witnesses recorded their license plate and vehicle details, said police, who arrested a suspect on Michener Road and took them to police headquarters for impairment tests.

A Chatham woman, 34, is charged with impaired driving, dangerous operation of a motor vehicle and failure to stop after a collision, police said. She was released with conditions and an Oct. 30 short date.

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