One a day changes your life: Regulates blood pressure, prevents heart attack, strengthens immunity, makes intestines work like a motor

One a day changes your life Regulates blood pressure prevents

Persimmon, which contains beta carotene and vitamin A, is also an important source for eye health. While improving eyesight, it also helps to prevent diseases such as cataracts and yellow spots that can be seen in later ages.

Thanks to the antioxidants it contains, persimmon helps to slow down and prevent cell damage. It also helps to reduce the risks of chronic diseases such as diabetes, cancer and heart disease by resisting oxidative stress. It is effective in reducing bad cholesterol levels. Dietician Ceren Karahan gave information about the subject.


Thanks to the vitamin A, beta carotene, lutein and lycopene it contains, it improves the skin and helps reduce wrinkles and spots that come with aging.

Persimmon, which is rich in copper, contributes to the production of red blood cells and the functions of the immune system.


Because it is rich in potassium, it helps in regulating blood pressure and improving vascular health.


Consuming persimmon, which contains most of the vitamins and minerals necessary for the body, can be harmful to health. As with any food, you should pay attention to portion control while consuming persimmon. One small persimmon equals one serving of fruit.
