Oncoclic: an application that facilitates access to clinical trials against cancer

Oncoclic an application that facilitates access to clinical trials against

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    Two French oncologists are launching Oncoclic, an application that allows doctors to redirect their patients to a clinical trial anywhere in France.

    “Today’s treatments are the result of yesterday’s clinical trials, tomorrow’s treatments will be the result of today’s clinical trials.” This is the message from the founders of Oncoclic, an application launched to allow doctors to easily find a clinical trial that could be offered to one of their cancer patients.

    Propose the most relevant clinical trials to each patient

    With more than 3.8 million people affected by cancer in France, cancer is the second leading cause of death in France after heart problems. Research continues to advance, but not always as quickly as we wanted and this involves clinical trials.

    We have seen this with the health crisis in particular, the need for both researchers to find volunteers and patients to have treatments is both dependent on both sides and complicated to set up and make known.

    “Only a minority of patients, less than 5%, access it with an inequality on the territory”, explain the founders of Oncoclic, Jean-David Fumet, medical oncologist specializing in clinical research and Siavoshe Ayati, doctor specializing in oncology and developer.

    The two specialists both work at the Georges-françois Leclerc center in Dijon. It was first for their own needs that the idea for this application came to them before then setting up the functionalities to open this service to all oncologists in France.

    Consult an oncologist online

    Oncolic is a free application for download on Smartphone but also available on the site: www.oncoclic.fr.

    “OncoClic identifies all clinical trials in progress and specifies the inclusion criteria. A unique algorithm “screens” in less than a minute the patient’s eligibility among all the available trials. The doctor can refer the patient via the ‘application.”, explains the press release.


    Access to the clinical trial is done in 4 steps, following an oncological consultation, the doctor searches on the application, and redirects his patient to the responsible health establishment and puts him in contact with the team in charge of the study.
