Once upon a time there were unicorns

Once upon a time there were unicorns

Omnipresent in the cultures of the imagination, the unicorn stirs up all the dreams and all the theories from antiquity until today. In a richly illustrated book, historian Bruno Faidutti took an interest in this fabulous animal through history, art and beliefs.

Unicorns are everywhere. In novels and comics, movies and cartoons. On the paintings of great Renaissance or romantic painters, in the illuminations of the Middle Ages, in Romanesque churches or on the roofs of Gothic cathedrals. In video games or toys in children’s rooms.

They are found in the Bible as well as in trade and company registers, on arms contracts or on the logos of consumer products. It is especially in our heads since the dawn of time, in our imaginations, in many cultures and on all continents.

And yet, she has changed. Change a lot. In a scholarly work rich in iconography, the historian Bruno Faidutti reveals a part – a part only because it is necessary to leave a few mysteries – of the secrets of the Unicorn.

His book “Unicorns, metamorphoses of an ancient creature” was published by Ynnis.

Report : Head to the Rond-Point theater in Paris with the dance show “Queen blood le noble sang”. A work by the choreographer of Malian and Senegalese origin, Ousmane Sy nicknamed “Baba”, who left us suddenly two years ago. A feminine and feminist show that Marjorie Bertin went to see last night in Paris.
