Once again proven! Overweight…

Once again proven Overweight

According to the results of the research, a woman who is 1.65 meters tall and 12.7 kilograms above a healthy weight almost doubles the risk of cancer.

Pointing out that a healthy weight can reduce the risk of 13 different cancers, CRUK also drew attention to the fact that genes and hormones may be among other risk factors.


One theory is that fat cells can cause cancer by sending signals to other cells to divide more frequently.

It is claimed that the growth of some breast cancers is linked to the female hormone estrogen produced by fat cells.

The CRUK study, led by a team at the University of Bristol and published in BMC Medicine, is noted as “one of the largest studies to explain the link between fat and uterine cancer.”

The study considered the impact of lifelong weight gain, revealing two hormones linked to obesity and uterine cancer, fasting insulin and testosterone.


The researchers hope that in the future, scientists will be able to use drugs to regulate the levels of these hormones in people at risk of developing cancer.

Leading the research, Dr. “This study is an interesting first step towards how genetic analysis can be used to reveal exactly how obesity causes cancer and what can be done to combat it,” Emma Hazelwood said in a statement. made its assessment.

CRUK’s Dr. Julie Sharp added: “Studies like this support the fact that overweight or obesity is the second largest cause of cancer in the UK and can help us begin to identify the cause.” used the phrase.

Sharp underlined that this will play a very important role in revealing how to prevent and treat cancer in the future.

One out of 36 women in the UK has uterine cancer, and one in four people diagnosed with this cancer develops in the premenopausal period. (AA)
