Once again, Free Mobile changes the characteristics of the Booster option for its famous package at 2 euros. But this formula does not hold water in the face of competition, except in a very particular case.
When he arrived on the mobile telephony market, in January 2012, Free Mobile had made a strong feeling by offering a broken price formula which rebuilt all the cards: its famous package at 2 euros. Admittedly, when it was launched, its capacities were limited with only 60 minutes of calls and 60 SMS included. But it was much better than the competition of the time. And, above all, Free has gradually evolved it to offer 2 hours of calls and unlimited SMS with 50 MB of data.
This is all that is included in 2025 in the basic formula, which can be insufficient today. And like Xavier Niel, the emblematic founding of Free, promised and recalled it on multiple times, this symbolic price should not increase before 2027. Hence the tip imagined a few years ago: in the fall 2022, Free offered a paid option to increase the possibilities of its package to 2 euros, the Booster option. Originally billed 2.99 euros per month, it made it possible to make unlimited telephone calls and take advantage of 600 MB of mobile data. An acceptable formula insofar as it was allegedly altered with competition.
Except that since then, the operator has done anything by changing the terms of this option several times, with price increases and data variations. A merry -go -round that ended up becoming incomprehensible, especially for subscribers who saw the conditions are constantly evolving. In July 2024, the operator even declined the option in two formulas, one at 0.99 euros per month, the other at 4.99 euros per month. And this large mic-mac continues again in February with a new change-and probably not the last.
Booster Free option: a little competitive formula
From now on, the Booster option at 0.99 euros gives access to unlimited calls and SMS with 2 GB of data, while the formula billed 4.99 euros extends the data envelope to 20 GB. Let’s say it clearly, this The latter is absolutely not interesting when compared to the competition. Indeed, for 6.99 euros per month, there are several packages offering unlimited calls and SMS with 40, 60 or even 80 GB of data at other operators. No reason for choosing it, even by being an unconditional free of free.

0.99 €
Booster option package
Unlimited calls
Unlimited SMS/MMS
2 GB Internet 4G+
Network: Free
Non -binding
Network: Free
Non -binding

1.99 €
B & You 1 GB
Unlimited calls
Unlimited SMS/MMS
1 GB Internet 4G+
Network: Bouygues Telecom
Non -binding
Network: Bouygues Telecom
Non -binding

2.99 €
6 GB package
Unlimited calls
Unlimited SMS/MMS
6 GB Internet 4G
Network: Bouygues Telecom
Non -binding
Network: Bouygues Telecom
Non -binding

2.99 €
Booster option package
Unlimited calls
Unlimited SMS/MMS
2 GB Internet 4G+
Network: Free
Non -binding
Network: Free
Non -binding

3.99 €
10 GB package
Unlimited calls
Unlimited SMS/MMS
10 GB Internet 4G
Network: Bouygues Telecom
Non -binding
Network: Bouygues Telecom
Non -binding

4.99 €
5 GB
Unlimited calls
5 GB Internet 5G
Network: Bouygues Telecom
Non -binding
Network: Bouygues Telecom
Non -binding

5.00 €
5 GB package
Unlimited calls
Unlimited SMS/MMS
5 GB Internet 5G
Network: Bouygues Telecom
Non -binding
Network: Bouygues Telecom
Non -binding

5.99 €
40 GB package
Unlimited calls
Unlimited SMS/MMS
40 GB Internet 4G
Network: Bouygues Telecom
Non -binding
Network: Bouygues Telecom
Non -binding

5.99 €
Red 40 GB
Unlimited calls
Unlimited SMS/MMS
40 GB Internet 4G+
Network: SFR
Non -binding
Network: SFR
Non -binding

5.99 €
70 GB
Unlimited calls
70 GB Internet 4G
Network: SFR
Non -binding
Network: SFR
Non -binding

5.99 €
The little one
Unlimited calls
Unlimited SMS/MMS
40 GB Internet 4G+
Network: SFR
Non -binding
Network: SFR
Non -binding

5.99 €
40 GB package
Unlimited calls
Unlimited SMS/MMS
40 GB Internet 4G
Network: Bouygues Telecom
Non -binding
Network: Bouygues Telecom
Non -binding

5.99 €
The basic
Unlimited calls
Unlimited SMS/MMS
30 GB Internet 4G+
Network: SFR
Non -binding
Network: SFR
Non -binding

5.99 €
30 GB package
Unlimited calls
Unlimited SMS/MMS
30 GB Internet 4G
Network: Bouygues Telecom
Non -binding
Network: Bouygues Telecom
Non -binding

6.99 €
80 GB
Unlimited calls
80 GB Internet 5G
Network: Bouygues Telecom
Non -binding
Network: Bouygues Telecom
Non -binding

6.99 €
10 GB
Unlimited calls
Unlimited SMS/MMS
10 GB Internet 4G+
Network: Orange
Non -binding
Network: Orange
Non -binding

6.99 €
The six
Unlimited calls
Unlimited SMS/MMS
40 GB Internet 5G
Network: SFR
Non -binding
Network: SFR
Non -binding

6.99 €
Booster option package
Unlimited calls
Unlimited SMS/MMS
20 GB Internet 4G+
Network: Free
Non -binding
Network: Free
Non -binding

6.99 €
B & You 10 GB
Unlimited calls
Unlimited SMS/MMS
10 GB Internet 4G+
Network: Bouygues Telecom
Non -binding
Network: Bouygues Telecom
Non -binding

6.99 €
60 GB package
Unlimited calls
Unlimited SMS/MMS
60 GB Internet 4G
Network: Bouygues Telecom
Non -binding
Network: Bouygues Telecom
Non -binding
However, things change for freebox subscribers who benefit (on request) free of charge from the 2 euros package (only one per household) and who therefore only have to pay the Booster option to get better than the basic formula. Admittedly, in this case again, the formula at 4.99 euros (in total, therefore) is still not competitive: we find better elsewhere.
But the option at 0.99 euros is much more attractive: for less than 1 euro per month, it allows you to have unlimited calls and SMS, which is sufficient in many cases, especially for a secondary line (on a double DSIM phone in particular), even with only 2 GB of data. Because there, there is no competition. Be careful not to exceed the volume of data included: beyond the 2 GB, each mega-octet (MB) is billed 0.05 euros, which can very quickly quantify!
In short, and displeases it to Free, only the subscribers to a Freebox will find a real benefit in the package at 2 euros with its Booster option at 0.99 euros, which returns in all at less than 1 euro. All the others can go and see elsewhere. It will undoubtedly be necessary to wait until 2027 or the 20 years of Free Mobile for this “historic package” to find its splendor with other methods, even if it means increasing its price slightly.