on Ukraine, short speeches, support and sanctions

on Ukraine short speeches support and sanctions

MACRON SPEECH. After the start of the war in Ukraine, Emmanuel Macron has already taken the floor to speak about the conflict. Short speeches condemning the Russian offensive and announcing measures. Before a new speech?

It is a rare procedure, used in a context of high tension. On Friday February 25, 2022, Emmanuel Macron sent a message to Parliament regarding the war in Ukraine. The head of state did not bring together the parliamentarians in Congress at Versailles but sent his writings to the presidents of the Senate of the National Assembly who read it to the elected officials, for about four minutes. Never since 2002 such a provision had been made by the President of the Republic. Emmanuel Macron estimated, through the voices of Gérard Larcher and Richard Ferrand, that “the war in Ukraine marks a major geopolitical and historical turning point of the 21st century and runs the risk of a return of empires and border conflicts” , warning that “this major crisis will have consequences on our lives, our economy and our security”.

In this sense, Emmanuel Macron announced aid of 300 million euros to the Ukrainians, deliveries of “defensive equipment”, but also “additional commitments within the framework of NATO to protect the Baltic and Romanian soil”, but also against cyberattacks. Measures taken after the diplomatic failure, deplored by the Head of State: “We have done everything possible to avoid escalation and resolve the crisis through dialogue. But Russia, turning its back on its commitments and the diplomatic way, made the choice of the destabilizing confrontation. Calling for “not to give in on the fundamental principles of peace”, the tenant of the Elysee Palace assured that sanctions would be taken against “Russian personalities, including the highest leaders of the Russian Federation.”

Speech by Emmanuel Macron on February 25, 2022

Emmanuel Macron’s message was read a few hours after speaking on the sidelines of an extraordinary European Council. In his morning speech of February 25, Emmanuel Macron recalled that by unleashing a war in Europe, Vladimir Putin “flouts[e] all the principles that govern international law, charters and treaties sovereignly signed by Russia in recent decades”. He also reaffirmed the unity and support of Europe and the European Union for Ukraine in this ordeal Economic aid of 1.2 billion euros, financed by France to the tune of 300 million, will be sent to Kiev as support, in addition to military reinforcements at the borders. ‘shipment’ to Estonia [d’]a new contingent within the reinforced forward presence, [l’anticipation] its participation in the Baltic Sky Police from the month of March, and [l’accélération de] its deployment in Romania”.

Speech by Emmanuel Macron on February 24, 2022

Vladimir Putin announced on the night of February 23 and 24, 2022 the launch of a military operation in Ukraine. In his speech delivered on February 24, of less than four minutes, Emmanuel Macron spoke of a “massive military attack” which “contravenes all the commitments made by the Russian authorities” and constitutes “a violation of the Charter of Nations- Nations as well as the founding principles of the European and international order”. The President of the Republic strongly condemned the Kremlin’s choice to start a war and thus “bring the most serious attack on peace and stability in our Europe for decades”. France takes the side of Ukraine and the Elysée affirmed to stand alongside the leaders and the Ukrainian people in this ordeal. Whatever the evolution of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, these events mark “a turning point in the history of Europe and our country. They will have lasting, profound consequences on our lives, consequences on the geopolitics of our continents “said the head of state, in a serious tone. He promises to hold Russia “to account”.

Date of Emmanuel Macron’s next speech

After his speeches on February 24 and then 25, Emmanuel Macron did not set a timetable for a new speech on the subject of the war in Ukraine. No deadline was either indicated in the message read to the National Assembly and the Senate on February 25 by the presidents of the parliamentary chambers. For the time being, therefore, nothing indicates when the President of the Republic intends to speak again on the conflict, if indeed he deems it relevant to do so.
