on the shortage of gasoline, Putin or Ukraine… What to remember

on the shortage of gasoline Putin or Ukraine What to

MACRON SPEECH. Emmanuel Macron was the first guest on France 2’s new political show, L’Événement, on October 12, 2022. He spoke at length about the war in Ukraine and had a word about the gasoline shortage.

[Mis à jour le 13 octobre 2022 à 11h01] After several weeks of discretion, Emmanuel Macron has returned to the long interviews he loves so much. During an hour-long interview, on Wednesday October 12, the President of the Republic answered questions from Caroline Roux in the first issue of the political program of France 2, The Event. The Head of State toured international issues by looking at length on the war in Ukraine. The conflict that has been shaking eastern Europe for more than seven months was announced as the main subject of discussions and for good reason, Emmanuel Macron had not explained his thoughts or his policy vis-à-vis Vladimir’s Russia. Putin for a few weeks. It’s done since the Head of State accused his Russian counterpart of having “triggered a war unilaterally against a neighboring country [et] endangered an entire people and the continent”. But the man who positioned himself during the first months of the war as a mediator between kyiv and Moscow could not content himself with blaming one of the belligerents and once again called on his Vladimir Putin to “stop this war, respect the territorial integrity of Ukraine and return to the discussion table.” It should be noted that at this table both Russia and Ukraine refuse to sit down. Emmanuel Macron could not expand on the conflict in Ukraine without being questioned on the thorny question of the nuclear threat. A subject on which he preferred to kick in touch while adding a pinch of deterrence in his speech.

If Emmanuel Macron’s interview on France 2 was essentially dedicated to Ukraine, other subjects of international news were invited in the exchanges, in particular the demonstrations which continue to swell in Iran or France’s support for Armenia in its clashes against Azerbaijan. But it is above all the declarations of the Head of State on the shortage of gasoline, outside the framework provided by the interview, which have caught the attention.

Faced with the shortage of gasoline, Macron calls for the “responsibility” of the unions

Emmanuel Macron was careful not to make announcements on the hot topic of strikes in refineries and the shortage of gasoline, but he estimated that improvements in service stations would be visible “in the course of the coming week. ” thanks to the requisitioning of employees to run an Esso refinery. The President of the Republic, however, took the side of motorists who bear the brunt of the consequences of the strike and criticized the behavior of the unions: “Let the CGT allow the country to function”. He called for the “responsibility” of the unions but also of the leaders of the oil companies, inviting them to get back around the table: “I am for negotiation, not for blocking.” The fact remains that if the dialogue, already difficult, does not succeed, Emmanuel Macron does not rule out resorting to new requisitions.

Emmanuel Macron against Vladimir Putin

Vladimir Putin is responsible for the military conflict in Ukraine according to Emmanuel Macron who denounced during the interview on France 2 the recent salvoes of airstrikes launched on kyiv and their purpose: “Russia’s objective, in recent days, very clearly, is to […] break the Ukrainian resistance.” A will to war that the head of state points out but to which he wants to respond through dialogue. “Whenever necessary, I will speak to Vladimir Putin,” he said. he reaffirmed despite the criticisms that his previous exchanges with the master of the Kremlin earned him. The President of the Republic still defends the dialogue between the two countries: “At some point, I hope as soon as possible, it will be necessary that all the stakeholders return to a discussion table” adding that “negotiating does not mean giving up” on Ukraine’s address.

Macron tries his hand at nuclear deterrence

Emmanuel Macron also warned his Russian counterpart about nuclear weapons in the first minutes of the interview. Faced with Moscow, which brandished its nuclear arsenal with larigot, the Head of State recalled that France is also equipped with atomic weapons and warned that in this matter: “The less we talk about it, the more we are believable”. “We must ensure that this conflict does not spread either geographically or vertically, through the use of chemical or nuclear weapons which would change its nature”, he took care ofto add.

Emmanuel Macron confirms French military support for Ukraine

After inviting the two countries to favor negotiations over military escalations, Emmanuel Macron confirmed the French position in this conflict: “We will continue and intensify the same logic […] We support Ukraine in its resistance without taking part in the war.” This aid involves sending defensive equipment such as “radar and systems with anti-aircraft missiles” which will serve to protect against “drone attacks and missile attacks” and whose reception by kyiv is planned “in the coming weeks”. The army chief also confirmed the next delivery of six additional Caesar artillery guns normally intended for Denmark.

Macron takes position on Iran and Armenia

Last topics on the international side: the demonstrations in Iran and the clashes between Armenia and Azerbaijan. Regarding the revolution that seems to be preparing in Iran after the death of Mahsa Amini, Emmanuel Macron assured that “France condemns the repressions carried out by the Iranian regime and we stand alongside these women” who are campaigning for their right and their freedom. However, he explains that France cannot and must not intervene in Iranian events: “Today, what is happening in Iran, we must defend it, say it, support it. We cannot replace it”.

As for Armenia where clashes with Azerbaijan for the Nagorno-Karabakh region are still raging, the Head of State promised that “we will not let go of the Armenians and Armenians” recalling the participation of France in the negotiations between the two belligerents in Prague. He also pointed to Russia’s role in this conflict alongside Azerbaijan and denounced a “destabilizing maneuver which, in the Caucasus, seeks to create disorder to weaken and divide us all”.

Another interview on October 26

On October 26, 2022, Emmanuel Macron will again be the guest of the program L’Évènement. This time, the management of public television indicated that the interview will focus on “the major issues of domestic politics”. Faced with Caroline Roux, the President of the Republic will return to all the hot topics of the return to politics. The Head of State should address the issues of the reforms undertaken by the government, and in particular that of pensions. The unemployment insurance reform, adopted at first reading by the deputies on Tuesday, October 11, 2022, will also be on the program of this program expected on October 26.

Emmanuel Macron could also be questioned about a potential use of article 49.3 to pass, without going through a vote, the budget for the year 2023 in the National Assembly. The majority is preparing for this eventuality. After Emmanuel Macron, the main political leaders should participate in this new format in the coming weeks.
