on the right, the return of the ambitious before the choice of the next chef

on the right the return of the ambitious before the

While the union of the left is doing its summer universities in dispersed order, on the right also this weekend, it’s back to school. The former finalist of the LR primary, Éric Ciotti, the rising star and mayor of Cannes, David Lisnard, or even the powerful boss of the Rhône-Alpes region, Laurent Wauquiez, organize respectively buffet, picnic and hike with their supports. A rural political return with the backdrop of the race for the presidency of LR, scheduled for December.

In the Tarn, then in the Pas-de-Calais, and finally in Auvergne. Éric Ciotti is multiplying this weekend. The very right-wing deputy of the Alpes-Maritimes, finalist in the primary of the right, is one of those who formalized their candidacy to take over the party Les Républicains (LR).

Facing him, the current secretary general of LR, Aurelien Pradie, said of the left wing of LR, should decide very quickly. He too is on the bridge this Saturday. But this announced duel is far from satisfying everyone on the right. Eric Ciotti, it would be a narrowed line, it leaves too much space towards the center », Criticizes a party executive while Aurélien Pradié is considered too maverick.

“Retailleau” does not exclude anything »

One name was unanimous: Laurent Wauquiez. But the former party leader will not go. The third way, therefore, could be Bruno Retailleau, the boss of senators LR. Ultra-conservative yes, but considered more unifying by some. The entourage of the Vendéen procrastinates: he ” reflect “, he “ does not exclude anything “.

If this filloniste launched, other potential candidates could then review their intentions. Like MEP François-Xavier Bellamy and the current acting boss of LR, Annie Genevard. Many names to take up, in everyone’s opinion, a ” drifting boat “.

►Also read : France: Jean-Luc Mélenchon promises the “general battle” against Emmanuel Macron
