On the front page: what will be the color of the next National Assembly?

On the front page what will be the color of

After the question of who will be the new Prime Minister – we were talking about it yesterday and we will talk about it again in a few moments – the press is projecting itself even further this Thursday and is already wondering about the legislative elections of mid- June. Who will win? According to the Harris Interactive Barometer for Challenges, a survey extensively detailed in The Midi Dispatchthe union of the left, the NUPES, would arrive at the top of the voting intentions at the national level, with 28% followed closely by the presidential majority, Renaissance, ex-LREM, with 26%, and comes in third position the Rassemblement nationwide with 24%.

However, if the left came out on top in the first round, “ that would not be enough to propel it to the rank of first political force in the future Assembly and Jean-Luc Mélenchon to the post of Prime Minister “, point The Dispatch. It is the presidential camp that would win in the second round, with between 300 and 350 seats, against more than a hundred for the NUPES.

Momentum to the left but… not enough!

Another poll, the one published this morning by Releasewhich reinforces the dynamic on the left: “ the union rekindles the left “, spear Freed in One. “ According to a Viavoice survey, 78% of left-wing sympathizers support the alliance between rebels, ecologists, socialists and communists. What, despite the disagreements, dream of a massive presence in the Assembly. »

So, ” a momentum, certainly, but how far and how long? asks the newspaper. ” The bet is far from being won, point Release. Admittedly, the left bloc is high in the polls nationwide, but the map of Mélenchon’s electoral results in the first round draws a France cut in two. Very strong in city centers and working-class neighborhoods, less so in rural and peripheral France. He is only in the lead in 104 constituencies, against 256 for Macron. According to an OpinionWay poll for Les Echos, the camp of the re-elected president would win between 310 and 350 seats, i.e. an absolute majority (corresponding to the threshold of 289 deputies). »

Who ! ?

And we come back to the future Prime Minister… whose name we should know “ between Friday and Monday, but nothing is certain », point The Latest News from Alsace. “ Several names circulate, including that of Elisabeth Borne, current Minister of Labour. Le Canard Enchaîné evokes Audrey Azoulay, current Director General of Unesco and former Minister of Culture. If Emmanuel Macron named a man, it is Julien Denormandie, current Minister of Agriculture, who comes up most often in the forecasts. »

In any case, for him or her, ” the task will be hard “says The Parisian.Hold the majority during the legislative elections; push through the pension reform; do not overshadow Macron; contain social anger and embody the climate issue. »

Global economic upheaval…

All in an explosive global economic context…

Caution, warn Le Figaro on the front page: “inflation, rates, growth: the world on alert. (…) Central banks are raising interest rates one by one to try to counter soaring prices. At the risk of disrupting economic activity, which is already slowing down everywhere. »

Comment of Figaro : “ For a quinquennium placed under the sign of purchasing power and social tensions, this great upheaval falls very badly. The cicada, having sung far too much, finds itself today very deprived. At a time when the sky is darkening, the State would be well advised to finally regain control of its spending. One month before the legislative elections, such is obviously not the government’s priority, deplore Le Figaro, the government which again signed yesterday for several billion euros of bad checks. »

Who killed journalist Shireen Abu Akleh?

Finally, the death of journalist Shireen Abu Akleh, who was shot and killed yesterday morning during a military operation by the Israeli army in the West Bank. “ Israelis and Palestinians, notice Le Figaro, reject the responsibility for the death of this media icon for millions of viewers in the Arabic-speaking world. »

The CheckNews service of Release analyzed a dozen amateur videos shot at the time of the events. ” They attest to clashes in this area, and to the presence of Israeli soldiers in the street where journalist Shireen Abu Akleh was killed. (…) Yesterday, condemnations multiplied within the international community, from the United States to the European Union, via Unesco. These different States and institutions calling for a ‘transparent’ and ‘independent’ investigation. »
