On the front page: the legislative elections, the great upheaval…

applications off the beaten track

It’s unheard of, exclaims The world : “ a soaring absolute majority, two protest parties established as the first opposition groups, a defeated President of the National Assembly… On the evening of the second round of the legislative elections, the logic of the majority vote cracked on all sides under pressure from the abstention and an erratic campaign between showmanship and invective. Something unprecedented under the Fifth Republic and even more so since 2002 and the reform of the electoral calendar, the Hemicycle will embody the complexity of a fragmented political landscape. »

Terra incognita for Macron

In fact, analysis Releaseit is the very essence of macronism and the pretension of sucking up the right and the left that finds itself on the ground: since political nature abhors a vacuum, this strategy will have ultimately contributed to nourishing radical or extreme opposition without proposing in the face a political offer capable of winning the majority. The five-year term that opens looks like terra incognita for Emmanuel Macron. Who will force this one to compose, discuss, negotiate. And it is an understatement to say that the President of the Republic has not excelled in this exercise for five years, whether with elected officials or with intermediate bodies. A fault also sanctioned during this legislative election. The head of state now has no choice. Is he ready? »


Le Figaro adds: ” how to govern the ungovernable? This is the challenge – crucial and perhaps insoluble – that Emmanuel Macron now faces. A coalition agreement with the right, which suddenly finds an unexpected role? It would still be necessary for the macronists to assume it, and for the right to accept it! Without waiting, its main officials have rightly made it known: there is no question of playing, for a dish of lentils, the president’s auxiliaries. Defining variable-geometry majorities on a case-by-case basis? Can Emmanuel Macron still convince? still wonders Le Figaro. While his succession is already in people’s minds, the risk has never been greater for him to go down in history as the helpless spectator of a five-year term that died before it began. »

No, esteem for his part West France the country is not “ungovernable” after these results, but power will have to be shared again. It is the choice of the voters, who impose, through the ballot box, a severe cure of humility on the master of the clocks. He will be forced to recompose and complete the government taking into account the new balances in the Assembly. Its majority will have no choice but to rely on the oppositions for the elaboration of laws. The Republic on the move can no longer impose anything on its own. Either by building a new alliance with Les Républicains. Either by negotiating each text, tomorrow, on a case-by-case basis. She will have to learn to compromise. »

Huge challenges…

Also, warn The crossthat ” France cannot afford the luxury of instability in the perilous period we are going through. It would be unconscious to act as if we had just experienced an election year like the others. As if war were not raging in the heart of Europe. As if the defense of the climate did not call for the mobilization of all. As if interest rates were not going to rise again soon, and with them the pressure on our public debt. As if the indifference of youth – 75% abstention among 18-24 year olds in the first round! – was only a temporary problem. Our anemic democracy will need as many, to meet these immense challenges. Starting with a president who fulfills his role as guarantor of the institutions, without being able to claim to carry all the weight of the republican building on his own. »

Intelligence or nothingness…

So, The Latest News from Alsace appeal to the intelligence of our elected officials: if they want to be useful to the community, our elected officials will have to learn to listen to each other, put a handkerchief to their egos, put away a few old ideological moons. The German Bundestag or the European Parliament have demonstrated that this is possible. To listen to Mélenchon, Le Pen or certain members of the government present on television sets last night, there is still a long way to go. But since it is a question of choosing between intelligence or nothingness, the hope of an awakening is authorized. »
