On the front page: the CNR, this misidentified democratic object…

Emmanuel Macron finally in favor of a European contribution mechanism

Thus The world qualifies the National Council for Refoundation. Emmanuel Macron inaugurates this tool of participatory democracy this Thursday, September 8, despite the boycott of all his political opponents and the doubts in his own camp.

Point essential question South West : “ what is this CNR the name of? National Council for Refoundation: is it a question of setting up a vast undertaking to refound the country, as was the case for its illustrious namesake, the National Council of Resistance? Is it a question of reconstituting the Commissariat au Plan, which made the heyday of the Trente Glorieuses? Is it a forum where social partners and associations of all kinds will meet to prepare the necessary reforms? »

Things have changed…

Certainly, ” the original intention is laudablerelieves The cross. That our democracy is going through a deep crisis, hard to deny. And that it is necessary to innovate in order to revive it, why not. Hence the idea launched before the summer by Emmanuel Macron of this National Council for Refoundation. Its purpose would be to “building consensus on the country’s situation” and of “designing concrete solutions to the concerns of our fellow citizens”. The president, just re-elected, announced it at the beginning of June. »

Read also: Why the oppositions are boycotting the National Council for Refoundation wanted by Emmanuel Macron

But “ in the meantime, things have changedremark La Croix: the absence of an absolute majority in the Assembly, if it does not detract from the legitimacy of the president, has weakened his weight and his authority. The opposition, in all its components, refuses to participate, often with just arguments. Can the elected representatives of the Republic be put on an equal footing with civil society? What are parliamentarians for, if not to deliberate to respond to the concerns of their fellow citizens? Are we facing a company of refoundation or communication? And why not have relied on the Economic, Social and Environmental Council, renovated a few years ago by Emmanuel Macron precisely to make “the benchmark institution for citizen consultation”? »

“Com’ adulterated”?

Sorry, something is wrong, exclaims Release, a big doubt arises, a defect of form curbs the enthusiasm in front of this promise of democratic regeneration. The reference to the National Council of Resistance does not help: it looks too much like adulterated com. Let’s move on. So what ? Simply sincerity point Release. Emmanuel Macron has been groping for more than five years now in his relationship with elected officials, with intermediary bodies, with all these relays which, year after year, remain essential lungs for representative democracy. At first he gave the feeling of being able to do without it. Stepping over them remained for him the best guarantee of transforming the country. According to the events, especially when they were unfavorable to him, he put water in his wine, tried to renew the dialogue, to revalorize them. But without convincing that he was not doing it out of political opportunism. His presidential campaign and the legislative elections that followed were moments of democratic confiscation, strike again Release. A strategy half sanctioned by the French, who re-elected Emmanuel Macron to ward off the far right by granting it only a relative majority in the Assembly. The CNR is supposed to make people forget all that… Difficult. »

Did Macron lose his hand?

Le Figaro does not hide his skepticism either…” What is most worrying is that this new method of governance hides less a desire for dialogue to find solutions than an absence of objectives. Emmanuel Macron, re-elected without a program, still seems to be looking for the horizon of his policy. Could he have lost his touch?asks the right-wing daily. The first months of his previous five-year term had given rise to some major reforms: labor code, ISF, SNCF, duplication of CP classes in priority zones… But, today, what does he propose? Nobody knows. Observing the debates that agitate the government and the majority – voting for foreigners in municipal elections, banning private jets, taxation of superprofits… -, one even wonders if there is a pilot on the plane.. »

Missed opportunity?

Too bad, consider The Latest News from Alsace…” There is never any risk in sitting down to debate, never anything to lose by trading. It does not commit to anything, it is not worth either guarantee or renunciation of its ideals. Especially since around the table will take place representatives of associations, the economic world, trade unions, social organizations, elected officials and a range of citizens drawn by lot. All came to bring their ideas. All hoping to help find answers to the great challenges of the time or at least to assert their point of view. Beyond its pompous and inappropriate name, this National Council for Refoundation could have, without going so far as to fantasize about a German-style grand coalition, that’s not the point, initiate at least another political relationship. It’s a missed opportunity. »
