On the front page: the announcements of the Minister of National Education Gabriel Attal

On the front page the announcements of the Minister of

The Minister of National Education is in the spotlight this fall. For his big first press conference on August 28, Gabriel Attal insisted on the need to strengthen the “ fundamental knowledge ” and of “ unite on secularism, report The echoes.

Concretely, in college, one hour of support or deepening in French or mathematics will be offered to sixth-grade students. In high school, the specialty tests will be moved from March to June and a “ new teacher pact » should make it possible to ensure the replacement of teachers who are absent for short periods.

A teacher in front of each student, a promise to revise “, title Release. The minister’s commitments seem difficult to keep according to the daily, because ” at the beginning of the summer, more than 3,000 teaching posts had not been filled after the various competitions “.

Ban on wearing the abaya

It is a loose outfit worn in some schools by young girls of the Muslim faith. For Releasethe announcement has everything easy and traditional polemic topic of late august “.

Get down to business or play politics, Gabriel Attal has just proven that you can do both at the same time “, notes the editorialist of the Figaro.

But ” is the ban on abayas in principle legally sound? », wonders The cross. It seems difficult to prohibit any loose dress (…) how will the department define it? “For the French Council of Muslim Worship, it will be impossible to apply” without falling into the trap of discrimination “.

The Council of State will be the future abaya referee at schoolwriting Le Figaro. The wise are already preparing for an avalanche of appeals filed by the radical left “.

For Humanitythe abaya will not hide the real challenges of the new school year (…) the numbers in the classes, the missing teachers, the incomplete increase in teachers’ salaries… So many subjects on which the minister will have to prove himself “, concludes the daily.

The worrying state of our planet

Global warming threatens almost all European ski resorts “, title The world. A study published in the journal Nature Climate Changemodels the consequences for European mountains of increasing global warming “.

At +2 degrees, half of the 2,000 ski resorts on the continent ” will experience insufficient snow cover “, precise Le Figaro. At +4 degrees, 98% of them will be affected. The scientists also assessed the consequences of the phenomenon by calculating the environmental costs associated with artificial snow. “If its manufacture weighs little with regard to the carbon energy linked to transport and housing in the mountains. It nevertheless remains a decisive element, because without it, the frequentation of the stations would collapse today. “, note the authors of the study.

According to a specialist, interviewed by the worldadapting ski resorts to climate change is not the only issue. The mobility of tourists must be seriously considered. Especially since skiers no longer only perform their seasonal migrations by car or by train and coach; the growing foreign clientele also comes by plane “.

France is heading for a record tourist season

In particular thanks to foreign tourists, explains Le Figaro. International arrivals, via long-haul flights, jumped 29%, welcomes the Minister Delegate for Tourism, Olivia Grégoire, who is counting on 64 to 67 billion in tourist receipts this year. ” The Europeans came back en masse… The Americans, taking advantage of a favorable euro-dollar parity, were as numerous as last year. Asian tourists have made a comeback.

And if you are tired of the beach, you might have been able to visit the car factory located near Rennes, in the west of France. For the first time this summer, the assembly plant of the Stellantis group opened its doors to visitors, says The cross. Of the ” visits which have met with enormous success and which allow the company to highlight its know-how “. It’s called industrial tourism and it’s on the rise, in 2022, ” French companies welcomed nearly 20 million visitors, 40% more than before the pandemic “.
