On the front page: “Let him (s) return (nt) to Africa!”, Or the racist protrusion of the elected sailor

Elisabeth Bornes government escapes censorship

They were ” intolerable “, these words pronounced in session by the deputy of the National Rally Grégoire de Fournas, has, via his entourage, made known the President of the Republic. Emmanuel Macron said to himself ” uneven “.

The scene took place yesterday, in session at the National Assembly, while the deputy of the left party Insubordinate France, Carlos Martens Bilongo, a black man, was asking the government a question to worry about the fate of a migrant boat stranded in the Mediterranean. Cutting him off, Grégoire de Fournas launched out loud, either ” let him return to Africa! ” (in the singular), or “ let them return to Africa! ” (in the plural).

What was the target of this interjection by the RN deputy? A report is expected this Friday morning to find out what this far-right elected official really said, and the office of the National Assembly will meet at the beginning of the afternoon to decide whether or not to follow up on this case. hoisted to the front page of Parisian.

Scandal and controversy, therefore, because Carlos Martens Bilongo having declared that we had it thus ” sent back to (his) skin color “, he who is ” born in France ” and who is ” french deputy “, at the RN, we shout at” instrumentalization politics of the left, like that of the majority, The Parisian. ” But isn’t the damage already done? this everyday wonders In a few seconds, the protrusion of the RN deputy will have acted like a penknife in Marine Le Pen’s strategy of respectability. »

As the point The Parisianthere is debate “. Said debate would hold to a “that” and would turn ” to the semantic battle “, underlines this daily.

Semantic controversy

So ? singular? Plural ? By thus highlighting the ambiguity of the Rassemblement national’s arguments, Release abstract : ” in the singular, the interjection of the deputy would target his colleague, possibly of African origin since black, who would therefore not be really French (…) In the plural, on the other hand, the intervention of the deputy, according to his explanations, would concern the exiles, of which his rebellious colleague spoke. In which case, suddenly, she would be acceptable “. A nuance that smells rancid “, valued Freed.

In any case, the output [du député mariniste Grégoire de Fournas] is infamous “, slice Humanity. She drops “the mask of respectability put on by the far right “, Estimates the communist daily.

No enemy on the right!

Will this case be likely to influence the opinion of the French vis-à-vis the far right? Still, one month before the election of the new president of the right-wing Les Républicains party, two out of three French people aspire to an alliance of the rights in France. According to an Odoxa survey for Le Figaro, carried out of course before yesterday’s scandal, in the National Assembly, 66% of French people say they are in favor of “the union of the rights” between Les Républicains, the National Rally, of Marine Le Pen, and the Reconquête party, by Eric Zemmour. They are even 54% to wish such an alliance among the sympathizers of the LR party. This survey having also tested the idea of ​​a ” government pact between LR and the relative majority of Emmanuel Macron in the National Assembly, the result is contradictory. If 58% of French people are opposed to it, LR sympathizers are in favor in the same proportion (58%).

What heading for LR?

For Le Figarono doubt, ” what LR is playing is not a return to business but political survival “. After recalling the debacle suffered by the right during the last presidential election – a “ collapse “, he admits – this conservative daily warns that “ democracy would have to lose if the classical right became contingent “. Really heartbreaking for Le Figaroespecially since the two “offers” who would like to erase LR, namely Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen, “ try to ape (erratically) what makes the heart of liberal and conservative Francestates this newspaper. However, neither the president nor his main opponent embody a political proposal that would combine the lucidity of the observation with the qualities of courage, constancy, ingenuity and competence essential to the exercise of power. “, he believes. Reason why, ” rather than defining itself according to the RN and the majority, the objective for the right is to bring back the two popular and elite sociologies which, tired of the cowardice and renunciations of the Republicans, abandoned them “, highlighted Le Figaro.
