On the front page: bad joke, buzz and mea culpa…

On the front page bad joke buzz and mea culpa…

Faced with a certain media emergencyrelieves The world, the coach of Paris-Saint-Germain, Christophe Galtier, tried, last night, to extinguish the controversy aroused the day before by his remarks on the theme of the climate. At the end of the Champions League match won against Juventus, the Parisian coach made his mea culpa:

“Believe me, I am concerned about the problems of climate, of our planet, I know the responsibility that we have. (…) We are not above ground, we are very lucid, it’s just a joke that happens at the wrong time, which is in bad taste, and I regret that”. »

So, need we remind you, continues The world, The day before yesterday, Monday, Christophe Galtier and Parisian striker Kylian Mbappé were asked at a press conference about the possibility of using the train, which is more ecological than a private plane, after the team’s trip to Nantes. “This morning, we discussed with the company with which we travel to find out if we could not travel by sand yacht”replied, ironically, Christophe Galtier, just after a giggle from Kylian Mbappé. »

The video immediately went viral, picked up on all social networks, sparking a media and political tornado after a summer marked by three heat waves and repeated fires.


One buzz chasing the other, soon we won’t talk about it anymore, but we should talk about it, again and again », comment The Latest News from Alsace. “ Get out of the controversy of the moment to focus on the substance of the question. Because the irony tinged with contempt of Christophe Galtier and the indecent laughter of Kylian Mbappé are neither accidental nor anecdotal. They are revealing estimates the Alsatian daily, the degree of disconnection of a segment of the population, which goes far beyond the sports circle (…). Since the richest 10% of the planet are responsible for half of the carbon emissions, it does not seem entirely absurd to encourage them to contribute to the effort which weighs above all on the poorest. »

750 tonnes of CO2 saved!

A wave of disgust swept through Franceexclaims Release, at the sight of France’s most adored footballer and his coach sneering at the idea of ​​taking the train instead of the plane for their away matches. The sequence is terrible in terms of image. »

Read also: Football: the irony of the PSG coach on air travel goes wrong

However, continues Releaseit’s a healthy controversy, which can push us to go faster on the ecological transition. “And the newspaper to present” the different avenues that a football club the size of PSG would have to reduce its carbon footprint. »

Liberation did the math: “ if PSG took the train in 12 trips out of its 19 per season in Ligue 1, excluding the more distant cities such as Nice or Toulouse, and as well as the closest ones, Auxerre and Troyes, which can be reached by bus, around 750 tonnes of CO2 could then be saved. With the efforts made by the 19 other Ligue 1 clubs, apart from Ajaccio, which will have difficulty getting to the rest of France by train, the environmental benefit would then be significant. »

Thank you Kylian!

Finally, analyze Free Charentethe outcry caused by this outing demonstrates that everyone travels according to their means, not according to their needs. The jet is only the car of the ultra-rich (…). The train is still seen as a constrained movement. Because its cost, its schedules, the state of the network are still too synonymous with hassle. It is also this reality that must be transformed so that it becomes a way of life for the richest as for the others. To achieve this, changing individual behavior is not enoughpoint The Free Charente. The PSG press conference took place at the same time as that of Emmanuel Macron asking to lower our heating. Contrast devastating when we know that the tax rate of jets is 39 euros per hectolitre of fuel, while that of a car is 68 euros. We must thank our national star for having raised the vital stakes for our future. Even if it is reluctantly and in a stupefying laugh. »
