On the front page: back on the kiosks of the Journal du Dimanche

the editorial staff challenges Emmanuel Macron in an open letter

THE JDD whose journalists went on strike” historical for 40 days to oppose the arrival at the head of the editorial staff of Geoffroy Lejeune, a journalist marked on the far right. But they failed, many resigning themselves to leaving the newspaper. Geoffroy Lejeune, he took office on Tuesday August 1st and has therefore succeeded in the small feat of releasing a new issue of the Sunday newspaper… but without the journalists of the JDD, with a few rare exceptions. Geoffroy Lejeune went to look for former colleagues from Current values, the far-right weekly newspaper he edited until last June. He also called on journalists from Europe 1 and CNews, two media controlled by the Bolloré group, which will soon also control the Sunday newspaper.

On the front page of this 32-page issue, insecurity and justice, after the death of a teenager stabbed to death in Normandy. And the interview with the new Secretary of State for the City, Sabrina Agresti-Roubache, who will perhaps be criticized for having responded so quickly to JDD new formula, which some members of the government, including the Minister of Culture Rima Abdul-Malak, strongly oppose.

Emanuel Macron in a cul-de-sac »

The coup d’état suffered by the President of Niger on July 27 sets the final nail in Macron’s policy in the Sahara », Asserts Pointaccording to which France “ pays cash for not having been able to make the heartbreaking decision to withdraw head held high after the success of Operation Serval in 2013 “.

For the weekly, Emmanuel Macron is now ” in a cul-de-sac “. ” Reaching out to the new putschist authorities is truly unthinkable. To continue the military intervention would be to prepare the ground for new failures. And to order a complete withdrawal would be to admit defeat. For his part, the former ambassador Gérard Araud pleads for a radical turn: Let us close our bases which have no other justification than intervention in African affairs “.

A muzzled press

The Obs publishes a report inEl Watansymbol of independence since the 1990s, the daily, like all opposition newspapers in Algeria, is slowly dying, victim of unprecedented political pressure “, tell us The Obs. ” Gone are the days of colorful editorial conferences, with endless discussions on the state of society… Teams passionate about politics gathered behind the editorial secretary’s computer to choose the headlines. El Watan was then a daily of resistance and combat. »

Even in the 1990s, under the state of emergency, journalists could write whatever they wanted. The press is now muzzled. No one can attempt anything that displeases, on pain of being taken to the station or to prison “, Says an editor of the political service. Today, regrets an editorial manager, ” we walk on eggshells. We try not to be frontal, we do it in periphrasis “.

Russian roulette

Their names are Olga and Sasha. One lives in Paris, the other in kyiv. M, the supplement of World, published their correspondence in recent months. From now on, they are addressed directly to the readers, each one on their side. And testify each in their own way to the ravages of war.

For Olga, who lives in Paris, daily life is simpler but the ” depressed “, she says, is indeed there. ” I tell myself : “Come on Olga, stop complaining. You are completely safe in a country at peace, you have no right to be weak”. » In kyiv, his sister Sasha evokes « russian roulette : “​​​​​When there is an attack on kyiv, how lucky am I not to find myself in the path of a missile or a drone ? I act like everything is normal. Except it’s not true “.

New formula holidays

Today in France echoes a new phenomenon: holidays without children. It’s “a service that some campsites and hotels now offer “. The manager of a guest house in Corsica testifies: ” My clients told me they were tired of hearing children screaming by the pool. They support theirs all year round, it’s not to suffer those of others during their holidays “. A vision of the family not very engaging, but which apparently is gaining ground.
