On the front page: are we moving towards autonomy for Corsica?

On the front page are we moving towards autonomy for

The dialogue is started “, title Corse-Morning. Dialogue between the State, represented by Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin, who has been in Ajaccio since yesterday, and the community of Corsica, and its president, Gilles Simeoni. Discussions are therefore open with the focus on the autonomy of the Island of Beauty.

After ten days of clashes between a youth demanding ‘justice and truth’ for Yvan Colonna, erected as a martyr after his attack in detention, and the police, a courthouse and a tax center partly burned down, scenes insurrectionary in the streets of Bastia, Gérald Darmanin plays the balancing act “, point Release.At the end of a closed session with the elected officials, the Minister of the Interior proposed last night ‘a process of discussion’ towards autonomy and that, by the end of 2022, ‘an acceleration of the calendar’. »


Aim, therefore, tip Release : possible autonomy, a Polynesian status. However, tempers the newspaper, ” a few weeks before the first round of the presidential election, when a court was set on fire and many members of the security forces were injured, the government proposal is puzzling. His haste to open this complex site contrasts with the lack of interest shown by the Head of State for the Corsican dossier for five years. Disinterest or lack of direction? wonders Release. “To think that the heart of the battle, the mother of battles is to go and negotiate new institutional developments” is a mistake, Emmanuel Macron declared on the island in 2018. He is now improvising a turnaround. not very serious, still esteem Release who wonders. Is this a sincere discussion option? The Corsicans will in any case be able to remember it when the time comes. »

“The deaf ear has become an outstretched hand”

For five years, the president had been careful not to put his finger in the gear “, adds The Parisian. The Parisian which recalls that Corsica has never brought luck to French politicians who pride themselves on wanting to respond to its autonomy aspirations. “But this time, the process now seems to be underway…

In fact, point Free Charentethe deaf ear has become an outstretched hand. (…) Using the word ‘autonomy’ involves a one-way trip. This will not happen for several months or years. Already to agree on what (s) form (s) of autonomy: it gives at least powers and expanded powers, up to the possibility of a referendum to modify the Constitution. Without forgetting that autonomy is often the stepping stone to independence, still falls Free Charente. The Polynesian example put forward by Gerald Darmanin remains vague and above all difficult to apply as it stands to Corsican specificities. There remains this historic word released three weeks before the presidential election. It opens the way to a new era for Corsica. »

Feverishness and lightness of the State?

Le Figaro for its part denounces the feverishness » and the « lightness ” of State. ” Lightness which authorizes to propose the upheaval of the integrity of the territory between two campaign promises. The ‘good riddance’ that one hears, mezza voce, among those who confuse Corsica and its caricature crowns this defeat of the will. If Corsica drifts, concludes Le Figaro, it is because France is falling apart. »

Anyway, analyze ProvenceRarely, under the Fifth Republic, has a presidential campaign given so much the impression of being caught up in the news and of taking place in a context of crises from the war in Ukraine, to questions of power in purchase and now Corsica. This forces the candidates to be constantly responsive to the outgoing president who, with his favorite status in the polls, keeps his hand and imposes his tempo. »

Purchasing power: tax oil companies!

The question of purchasing power precisely, with this daily injunction The world : it’s necessary ” involve oil tankers. »

In fact, precise The worldoil companies are the beneficiaries of an exceptionally buoyant context without their having much to do with it. Putting them to work would not be indecent. Last year, Total generated more than 13.5 billion euros in profits. Taking a fraction of it would contribute to sharing the efforts with consumers and taxpayers, without its economic model suffering. There is no reason for such companies to be at the height of their prosperity when the situation calls for sacrifices from the less well-off and from many companies who see their production costs explode. ” And ” beyond a short-term contribution aimed at lowering fuel prices, it is also urgent, emphasize again Le Monde, to allocate part of the oil revenue to accelerating the energy transition. »
