On the front page: a sign that has gone around the world

On the front page a sign that has gone around

The image of this Russian television journalist holding up a sign ” No to war! We lie to you here “, live on the antenna Monday evening, flooded yesterday the screens of the planet.

Putin takes a direct “, spear Release on the front page. ” What Marina Ovsiannikova did is immense, comments on the newspaper. It is quite possible that her rebellion has been seen more times abroad than at home, that Russians watching this news will remember just as much the imperturbable presenter continuing to spout her lies on the air. But it would be wrong to say that Marina Ovsiannikova’s gesture did not count in Russia. As of Monday evening, she and her sign were everywhere on the messaging services that some still risk using despite the bans. This woman’s revolt is a drop of water in an ocean of propaganda messages. Corn, estimates the newspaper, it is a turning point in the protest movement in Russia. Since February 24, more than 15 000 arrests of opponents have taken place in Vladimir Putin’s country. Celebrate their courage. »

Release which further specifies that the journalist left the Moscow court last night, fined 30,000 rubles but free “. But she could appear again before the judges and receive a prison sentence there.

A snag in a web of lies

His act of bravery will not change the course of the war, nor the fate of all those who fight for freedoms and democracy in Russia, relief The cross. But it is a hitch in the well-oiled story of the Kremlin which, to justify the invasion of Ukraine, multiplies the mystifications. It is also a sign that part of Russian public opinion is well and truly aware that Vladimir Putin’s regime, in its mad headlong rush, is only holding together through repression and lies. »

Ostrich reflex…

Corn ” do the Russians want to know? » Question asked by The world…” The information remains accessible, raises the evening newspaper. With difficulty, of course, but dozens of Telegram channels remain active, there are many ways to circumvent the blocking of sites. A virtual private network (a VPN) is worth one hundred samizdats – from the name of these texts printed clandestinely which circulated under the coat in the USSR. However, one observation is in order, point The world : many Russians do not want to know. Most people no longer believe in the euphemism of “special operation”, but beyond the agreed formulas, the need to know stops. The narrative patiently constructed by the authorities, that of an eternally assaulted Russia, serves as an explanation. For many, blindness is a choice, or a means of survival. (…) There is a very pragmatic attitude here, which consists of battening down the hatches to take shelter from a threatening outside world, concentrating on the security and serenity of those around you. »

Macron unveils his program tomorrow

Also on the front page, the campaign for the presidential election in France: “ Macron finally shows the color exclaims The Parisian. ” Accused by his opponents of fleeing the campaign, the candidate president will unveil his project tomorrow Thursday at a major press conference. Only one meeting before the first round would be scheduled, thinks he knows The Parisian, on Saturday April 2 in Paris. »

What will the outgoing president say? ” On the main menu: education, health then work and purchasing power. “Purchasing power, a subject of growing concern for the French, with a price increase that never ends…

Wooden checks…

France faces the shock of inflation “, title Le Figaro on the front page. ” At the end of February, inflation jumped 3.6 % on average over one year, a record since 2008, which is already weighing on household purchasing power. »

So, ” faced with this situation one month before a presidential election placed under the sign of purchasing power, the government is doing what it knows how to do best : wooden checks », sighs Le Figaro. ” Since France has no budgetary leeway, this excess of public money instantly inflates an already out-of-control debt. »
