There are beings who, in life, are unlucky. Well, it is the same for words. By that I mean that there are terms whose pronunciation displeases us: for their misfortune, we find that they sound “badly”, without we can always justify our appreciation. But quite theorized. Let’s go to practice with this little ride of our Lexicographic Turkish heads.
For example, imagine that your son gets married. This is a happy event in the first approach, except that you will have to qualify his wife who, now, has entered your family. However, there are few who will say spontaneously: “Here is my rude“. Why? Because” Bruss “, that’s ugly, a point that’s all! It is true that, for this funny term, things have been badly moved from the start. It was indeed introduced in Latin late Latin by the Goths, in the third century AD, in the form brutis (brutis ! When I tell you that there are words born under a bad star …) by supplanting the original Latin term, nurus. Result ? “Daughter-in-law”, yes; But “Bru”, no. It may be unfair, but it’s like that.
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In her misfortune, our poor “bruise” can always console herself by noting that she is not the only one to pay the costs of the whims of our ears. Because there are many more or less sacrificed terms on the altar of “property”, especially when their meaning is little known to us. Moreover, this explains that: when a word bothers us, we leave it aside and, by dint of remaining unpacked, it ends up being forgotten. See “mint“(slap); see”ergastule“(Duchot, in Roman Antiquity); see again”smaragdin“, whose definition is however no longer delicate:” of an emerald green “. Well, no, decidedly,” MORNIFLE “,” Ergastula “or” Smaragdin “, it is simply not possible.
Same punishment for terms linked to a off -putting universe, whether it be the disease, dirt or secretions of the body. “”Expectorate” (spit) ? “Remitch“(Unpleasant odor of mold, withdrawn)?”Wart“(Who has warts or who is covered with them)?”Mucous“(viscous rejection of the mucous membranes)? Beurk, yuck and re-beurk! And yet, notice it,” mucous “differs from a single letter of terms like” glory “or” please “. In peace.
There are other words whose only wrong is to cause disturbing associations. In itself, they have nothing updated; But their consonance arouses disorderly – and often brown thoughts in our brain, let us recognize it. Here is a non -exhaustive list knowing that, in terms of sensitive souls, I only give you definitions, but you make you thanks to licensee references:
– Cenobite : Religious who lives in community (note that his opposite, anchoret – religious who withdrew in solitude – absolutely does not suffer from the same stigma).
– Concupiscent : ardent sexual desire.
– Eburnean : which has the appearance of ivory.
– Nyctalope : Faculty to see well during the night.
– Obituar : relating to death.
– Put : assess indirectly, by a calculation.
Let’s finish this little tour of the unloved of the French language with the words that combine the handicaps: not only are they as euphonic as a chalk shouting on a painting, but, moreover, they designate a repulsive reality. I am thinking in particular of “lice“(dirty, villain, malpropre) and at”sterord“(which grows and lives on the excrement), whose future seems as radiant as that of the minitel.
Have you ever encountered them until then? Precisely: this is the irrefutable proof of their ugliness! Finally, well, of course, I am not quite sure what I advance, but I assume it.
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To read – on the side of the French language
French banks are developing a new service… in English
“”Cash service“. This is the English formula chosen by BNP Paribas, Crédit Mutuel, CIC and Société Générale to bring together their ticket distributors. It is true that between” money “,” money “,” tickets “or” species “, The French language singularly lacks vocabulary in the matter.
When the Frenchman was synonymous with inculture in Louisiana
After the purchase of Louisiana by the United States in 1803, French gradually became a sign of backwardness. Marginalized and forced to assimilation, its Creole and Cadian speakers have gradually anglicized.
Will French people disappear from primary schools in Zurich?
A motion in this sense has just been deposited in the cantonal parliament for German schools, with good chance of being adopted. An orientation breaking with the traditional Swiss multilingualism.
The University of Bordeaux convicted of non-compliance with the Toubon law
The Touon law explicitly provides for this: when a registration in a public establishment is subject to translations, these must be at least two (in order to preserve cultural diversity). However, the signage of the University of Bordeaux was affixed only in French and English. Worse: although having been seized by a student – supported by the Francophonie Avenir Association (AFRAV) -, the establishment had refused to comply with the law. He has just been sentenced by the administrative court.
To read – On the side of minority languages
When Richard Ferrand said he was a supporter of regional languages …
Richard Ferrand, prolonged president of the Constitutional Council, has often been expressed in favor of regional languages. Sincere conviction or opportunism of the one who was then deputy for Finistère? The fact remains that he declared in 2013: “It is up to the government to work to put on the table the elements necessary to overcome the obstacles to the ratification of the European Charter of Regional Languages, including the revision of the Constitution. ” The question is to know if he will have the will to modify the very repressive jurisprudence on this subject of the institution which he could lead if his candidacy should be accepted by the Parliament.
And when Laurence Vichnievsky opposed it …
Note also that he will have to deal with Laurence Vichnievsky, proposed for the same Constitutional Council by the president of the National Assembly. Laurence Vichnievsky is one of the few MoDem deputies to have opposed the Molac law on regional languages in 2021. She had notably signed the referral to the council which had led to the partial censorship of the only text never voted on this question under The Fifth Republic.
In Lorient, parents tried to have named their child Fañch
The Lorient court will say on February 24 if he accepts or not that a young child is named Fañch – with a tilde on the “ñ” – Breton equivalent of “François”. In 2023, the public prosecutor had opposed the request of his parents.
Artists in regional languages in the face of Parisian blockages
The artists singing in Basque, Occitan or Corsica are more and more numerous and are often expressed in contemporary styles (See the “To Watch” section). However, they come up against the reluctance of the media and the music industry. A typically French blockage that is neither observed in Spain nor in the United Kingdom, underlines this article of Release.
Death of André Neyton, a great figure in Occitan culture
In 1966 he had launched one of the first Occitan shows of contemporary expression, Per Jòia Recomençar (“To find joy”). In the 1970s, he had created the Occitan Dramatic Center in Provence. He had set up OC shows in Paris and Nancy, alongside Jean-Louis Barrault and Jack Lang. Professor, actor, author, director and theater director, André Neyton has just died at the age of 90.
Thirty years after the Toubon law, is the French language in danger?
This RCF emission looks at the effects of the Toubon law aimed at defending the French language, thirty years after its adoption.
To look
Consisting of Caroline Dufau and Lila Fraysse, Cocanha is an Occitan group of Polifonics in Dançar (polyphonic songs to dance). The two young women rely on traditional instruments and repertoire, which they reinterpret in a contemporary way. An example with this piece collected in the Vivarais (Ardèche), entitled That his Aüros (“They are happy”), of which here are the original lyrics (modified by the authors) and their translation into French.
That his aüros los boys than an (mias) visas
(That they are happy the boys who have (criped) visas)
That his aüros quauquas fes not earlyjorn
(That they are happy, sometimes, not always)
Perdon lhur Time los boys (las diumenjas) in las doanas
(They waste their time boys (on weekends) at customs)
Perdon lhur Time e Sovent Lhur Silver
(They waste their time and often their money)
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