The war between public and private schools continues. Certain differences in class management are highlighted in a recent study.
The fight between public school and private school does not stop. This choice can sometimes be difficult for parents. In a survey In partnership with OpinionWay carried out in the summer of 2024, the Hexagon Institute interviewed teachers and parents concerning the chances of students’ success according to the type of school. As a question of whether a student is more likely to succeed in the private sector, teachers respond in the affirmative to 49%. They are therefore very divided, while parents are more leaning in favor of the public (58%).
In a second survey OpinionWay, which has just appeared for the Hexagon Institute, public and private establishments are compared on another criterion: violence at school. Nine out of ten teachers claim to have been aware of an act of violence in their establishment during the 2023/2024 school year. They are even 65% to estimate that such acts have increased over the past five years. 71% of parents interviewed share this opinion. Teachers assure, for 38% of them, that the first cause of this increase is linked to the impact of screens, while 33% of parents point to the lack of parental authority.
This violence can take different forms: insult, harassment, physical or sexual assault or even degradation of goods. Public and private establishments are concerned. “When we look within teachers if there are differences according to political sensitivities, according to their location in rep or not in rep, in the public or in the private we see that this increase in violence is a blade substantive that seems noted everywhere, “explained to Bfmtv François Pierrard, CEO of France. That said, looking in detail, physical assaults are more observed in the public (62%) than in the private sector (52%). For other forms of violence, the figures are quite similar.
Another criterion differentiates private establishments from audiences: class management by teachers. In other words, class discipline. If teachers are only a quarter to have declared having difficulty maintaining the discipline in progress, this goes up to 27% in the public against only 14% in the private sector. Some establishments are even more impacted: these are those classified as an REP (priority education network). 28% of REP teachers admit that they find it difficult to manage their class and 69% of parents in RAP report having heard of at least a fact of violence in their child’s school against 38% excluding REP. This figure is as important in colleges (49%) than in high schools (36%).